1. Drinking and singing. In peacetime, officials do not call at the door. The king is wise and wise, and the prime minister is loyal and good. With politeness and courtesy, the people have no disputes or lawsuits. After three years of farming, there are nine years of savings, and the barns are full. Gray doesn't load. Yuze is like this, and hundreds of grains are used to make it. But he ran away and dung his fields. The duke, marquis, and son-in-law love their people so much that they depose Youming. A son is raised like a father and an elder brother. Violations of etiquette and laws will be punished according to the severity. There is no way to find something private. The prison is empty, and the winter festival continues. When people are old, they all die. Endurance spreads across vegetation and insects.
2. You say I have betrayed you and you are angry with this person, but have you ever treated me kindly?
3. People can survive by cutting off their arms, but how can they survive by cutting off their heads?
4. Although the tortoise has a long life, it will have its time. A soaring snake rides on the mist, but ends up in ashes. The old man is still ambitious, but his ambition is thousands of miles; the martyr is full of ambition in his old age. The period of profit and contraction is not only in heaven; the blessing of nourishing happiness can lead to eternal life. Fortunately, even singing praises one's aspirations. ----"The Turtle Lives Longevity"
5. Why do you think this man's feet are whiter than his face and hands? It's because he keeps hiding them. ----"Three Kingdoms"
6. Although the turtle has a long life, it still has its time.
7. Dong Chuo's lyrics If virtue is not lacking, changes will inevitably happen. Zheng Kangcheng drank wine and fell to the ground to die; Guo Jingtu died in the garden of mulberry trees.
8. To the north of you, my son is at the gathering of people.
9. The only hero in the world is your envoy. ----"The Romance of the Three Kingdoms"
10. A straight line, shortcomings and strategies.
11. Assuming that there is no one in the country, how many people will be called emperors and how many will be called kings? ----"Shu Zhi Ling"
12. "The swan geese leave the northern part of the Great Wall, but they are in an uninhabited country. They raise their wings for more than ten thousand miles, and they move on their own. A soldier's horse does not take off its saddle, and its armor never leaves its side. The old man is coming slowly. , when will we turn against our hometown! The divine dragon hides in the deep spring, and the ferocious beast walks on the high hill. The fox dies and returns to the first hill, but his hometown can be forgotten!"
13. The turtle is long-lived Author: Cao Cao (Wei and Jin Dynasties) The turtle is alive Longevity, there is still time. The tan snake rides on the mist and turns into ashes. The old man is brave and ambitious, and his ambition is thousands of miles. In his old age, the martyr is full of ambition. The period of profit and contraction is not only in heaven; the blessing of nourishing happiness can lead to eternal life. Fortunately, even singing praises one's aspirations.
14. Give birth to a son like Sun Zhongmou, Liu Jingsheng’s son, a pig and a dog - Cao Cao’s original words in the romance - "The Romance of the Three Kingdoms"
15. I would rather let the world down , and let no one in the world betray me.
16. If you want to be better than others, you must first establish yourself as invincible
17. Even if you know that it is not beneficial until you lose your account, sharing the fragrance is not a matter of love
18. Qingqing Zijin is so gentle in my heart. But for your sake, I still ponder it. Yo yo deer roar, eat wild apples. I have guests who play the harp and sheng. ---- "Dan Ge Xing"
19. The fact that she can become a captain is the ancestor of Cao Mengde. ----"The hero's soul is about to be cut off"
20. A wise man thinks far ahead and knows the smallest things
21. There is a folk saying: There is no bucket in the urn, and there is no ruler in the basket. A friend came to borrow money from me, but I didn’t know why he should respond.
22. I would rather betray the world than let the world betray me!
23. Failure is not terrible. What is terrible is that when you fail, you also lose your fighting spirit. ----"New Three Kingdoms"
24. The world misunderstood me yesterday, and they misunderstood me again today, and maybe they will misunderstand me again tomorrow, but I am still me. I am never afraid that the world will misunderstand me, I am still me. ----"Three Kingdoms"
25. I had a bad sleep in the middle of the night. Tomorrow I drank porridge and sweated, so I took Angelicae Decoction.
---- "The Romance of the Empress of Things in the Country"
26. I want to teach Taozi to those defeats, teach them how we can succeed, and teach them how we can succeed. If we win inside, we will teach the loser how to give birth to children if we win. ----"The earth wants to follow the Tao as if it were the country of the earth"
27. Anyone who offends me should be punished by his fate! ----"The Heroic Soul is now ready to take action"
28. Those who stand in the way of my dominance will be killed ----"I will return to the country to kill"
29. Sing Hua out of anger Yinshan thinks it is big. It is a hundred feet high and covered with floating clouds. When the immortal is about to come, he goes out and follows the wind, and the rain falls. I am playing the flute and playing the harp, how can I be so unlucky! Drinking, singing and playing, today is a real pleasure. The jade girl rises and dances for several hours. Advocate for something noisy. When coming from the northwest, the Immortal Way often rides on smoke, rides on clouds and rides on dragons, so there is no need to worry about anything. Traveling through the eight extremes, you will reach the Kunlun Mountains, beside the Queen Mother of the West, there is the Golden Pavilion of Immortals. Who is coming? King Qiao of Chisong is the gate of virtue. Enjoy eating and drinking until dusk. If you drive more and sit together, you will live longer and be better for your descendants.
30. I would rather teach me to let the world down! ----"Glory of the King" The Complete Collection of Cao Cao
1. Everyone in the world says that I am a traitor, but they can do nothing about me as a traitor. Those of you who claim to be gentlemen have also been defeated by me. In the hands of this traitor, if the price of being a gentleman is to be humiliated, trampled on, destroyed, or even killed, I would rather be a traitor who can realize his revenge. Since ancient times, great traitor seems to be loyal, great hypocrisy seems to be true, and loyalty Neither evil nor evil can be seen from the surface. Maybe you misjudged me, Cao Cao, and now you misjudge me. I have never been afraid that others will misjudge me.
2. I would rather teach me to betray the people of the world than let the people of the world betray me!
3. My husband, Liu Bei, is a great man. If I don’t attack him now, I will be in trouble later. Although Yuan Shao has great ambitions, he is late in realizing things and will not move.
4. Having a son should be like Sun Zhongmou!
5. A heroic husband has great ambitions, a good plan, the opportunity to hide the universe, and the ambition of heaven and earth.
6. How about drinking and singing, how about life? It’s like morning dew, it will be more bitter in the days to come.
7. Qingqing Zijin is so long in my heart, but for the sake of you, I still ponder it.
8. Du Kang is the only one who can relieve worries.
9. With this weapon, I broke through the Yellow Turban, captured Lu Bu, destroyed Yuan Shu, captured Yuan Shao, penetrated deep into the northern part of the Great Wall, reached Liaodong, and dominated the world. I lived up to my ambition as a man.
10. What is the crime of being an orphan? If there were no orphans in the world, I don’t know how many people would be called emperors and how many would be called kings.
11. To do great things but cherish one's life, to see small gains and forget one's life is not a hero! (Cao Cao commented on Yuan Shao)
12. Cao said: Are there prostitutes in the city? ( When Cao Mengde was conquering Zhang Xiu, he said to his nephew Cao Anmin)
13. If you want to defeat others, you must first be in an invincible position!
14. The old man is ambitious and determined. Thousands of miles. In his old age, the martyr is full of ambition.
15. If a husband has his will, he will surely achieve it.
16. Facing the Jieshi in the east, you can view the sea. Where is the water? The mountains and islands are standing tall. There are many trees and lush grass. The autumn wind is bleak and the waves are rising. The journey of the sun and the moon is like going out of it. The stars are as brilliant as if they came out of it. Fortunately, even singing praises one's aspirations.
17. The moon and stars are sparse, and the magpies are flying south, circling the tree three times. What branch can I rely on?
18. Only talents can be used, and I can use them.
19. The mountains never get too high and the water never gets too deep. The Duke of Zhou feeds and the world returns to its heart.
20. When will we return to our hometown when we are old?
21. The rule of law is based on etiquette; the rule of chaos is based on punishment.
22. The sage’s use of troops is to be used at the right time and as a last resort.
23. When resigning from a noble position and fleeing a salary, do not use it to gain fame and gain reputation, and do not call it a concession because of the loss of position.
24. Select the talented people in their hometown and teach them. The ways of the common people and the ancestors of the kings will not be abolished, but will benefit the world.
25. The plan is like turning around, and the success is like destruction.
26. The moon and stars are sparse, and the birds fly south.
27. Choose those who understand the legal principles and have them punished with a code of conduct.
28. Those who rely on martial arts will perish, and those who rely on literature will perish.
29. In heaven and earth, man is precious.
30. When the emperor bestows official titles and ministers express their resignation, it does not necessarily have to be three times.
31. White bones are exposed in the wild, and there is no rooster crowing for thousands of miles. One of the hundreds of things left behind by the living people will break people's hearts just thinking about it.
32. Don’t seek false fame while getting into real trouble.
33. If you give up an inch, you will receive a foot.
34. People without talents cannot make meritorious deeds, are not beneficial to the country, and cannot receive rewards.
35. The period of profit and contraction is not only in heaven; the blessing of nourishing happiness can lead to eternal life.
36. A person who is good at doing things may not be able to be enterprising, and a person who is enterprising may not be able to do things well.
37. Sexual disbelief in destiny.
38. When a soldier dies a close friend, he will never forget this.
39. Only talents can be used, and I can use them.
40. When the fox dies and returns to the first hill, his hometown can be forgotten.
41. Heaven and earth are so long, but human beings are so short.
42. Scholars are short-sighted and can be discarded if they are mediocre!
43. The heart is indifferent and has no desire for excitement.
44. I have never heard of an incompetent person, a person who does not fight, and is rewarded with salary, and can make contributions to the country.
45. It’s as bright as the moon, when can you wipe it off?
46. A heroic husband has great ambitions, a good plan, the opportunity to contain the universe, and the ambition of heaven and earth.
47. Let the world’s intelligence be used to control it, and nothing can be done.
48. Thousands of poems, thousands of wines, how many times have I set my sights on the king?
49. When will I return to my hometown?
50. There is an end to everything, and sages are inevitable, so why worry about it?
51. A wise king will not reward ministers who have no meritorious service, and will not reward those who do not fight.
52. If you have your will, you will achieve your goal, just like the martyrs.
53. When a soldier dies a close friend, he will never forget this.
54. A wise man thinks far ahead and knows the smallest things.
55. The strategist selects generals, measures the enemy, measures the territory, predicts the soldiers, distance and danger, and plans in the temple.
56. Riding six dragons and riding on the wind. Traveling across the four seas, there are eight countries along the way. Climbing high mountains, approaching valleys, and riding on clouds.
57. There will be kings and horses in the world, but there will be no heroes in the world.
58. Riding six dragons, riding on the wind; traveling across the four seas, passing through eight kingdoms; nine princes united, one rule of the world!
59. Before Cao Cao died, he said: "Death It’s not scary, death is a cool summer night, where people can sleep without worries.”
60. The world hurts me, but I laugh at the world’s bias.
61. The mountains never get too high and the sea never gets too deep.
62. Ji Tianhan arrived at Kunlun and saw the Queen Mother of the West paying an audience to the Lord of the East. Cross Chisong and Xianmen to receive the secret love spirit.
63. There is no bucket in the urn, and there is no ruler in the basket. A friend came to borrow money from me, but I didn’t know why he should respond.
64. As long as one’s virtue is not lacking, changes will inevitably occur. Zheng Kangcheng drank wine and fell to the ground to die; Guo Jingtu died in the garden of mulberry trees.
65. It is as bright as the moon, when can you shake it off? The sorrow comes from it and cannot be cut off. The more unfamiliar you are, the more you cross the border, the more useless you are.
Character information
Cao Cao (155-March 15, 220), whose courtesy name was Mengde, whose last name was Geely, and whose nickname was Amo, was born in Qiao County, Peiguo (now Bozhou, Anhui). people.
He was an outstanding politician, militarist, writer, and calligrapher in the late Eastern Han Dynasty, and the founder of the Cao Wei regime in the Three Kingdoms. In the name of the Emperor of the Han Dynasty, he conquered the four directions, eliminated the separatist forces such as Yuan, Lu Bu, Liu Biao, Ma Chao, and Han Sui internally, and surrendered the Southern Xiongnu, Wuhuan, Xianbei, etc. externally, unified northern China, and implemented a series of policies to restore economic production. and social order, laying the foundation for the founding of Cao Wei. When Cao Cao was alive, he served as the Prime Minister of the Eastern Han Dynasty, and later as the King of Wei. After his death, he was given the posthumous title of King Wu. After his son Cao Pi became emperor, he was honored as Emperor Wu, with the temple name Taizu.
Cao Cao was skilled in military tactics and good at poetry. He expressed his political ambitions and reflected the suffering life of the people in the late Han Dynasty. He was majestic, generous and desolate. His prose was also clear and neat, which opened up and prospered Jian'an literature and gave it to later generations. He left behind precious spiritual wealth and was known as the character of Jian'an in history. Lu Xun evaluated him as "the founder of reformed articles." At the same time, Cao Cao was also good at calligraphy, especially Zhangcao. Zhang Huaiguan of the Tang Dynasty rated it as a "wonderful product" in "Shuguan". Cao Cao's famous sayings
Cao Cao's famous sayings
1. Dragons take advantage of the times and change, and people take advantage of the momentum to rise! Cao Cao's "The Killing of the Three Kingdoms"
2. Riding six dragons and riding the wind; traveling across the four seas, passing through eight kingdoms; joining nine princes, and conquering the world in one go! Cao Cao's "Short Songs and Singing"
3. The moon and stars are sparse, and the black magpie flies south, circling the tree three times, where can I rely on the branch? Cao Mengde's "Dan Ge Xing"
4. I accept the wisdom of the world and control it with Tao, and I can do anything. Cao Cao's "Three Kingdoms"
5. Failure is not terrible. What is terrible is that when you fail, you also lose your fighting spirit. Cao Cao's "New Three Kingdoms"
6. If you have your will, you will definitely achieve it. Cao Cao's "Praise to Lu Qianling, the Grand Administrator of Mount Tai"
7. The mountains never get too high and the water never gets too deep. The Duke of Zhou feeds and the world returns to its heart. Cao Cao's "Dan Ge Xing"
8. I would rather betray others than others betray me. Cao Cao's "Three Kingdoms"
9. Qingqing Zijin, long in my heart. But for your sake, I still ponder it. "Dan Ge Xing" by Cao Cao
10. Suppose there is no one left alone in the world. How many people will be called kings and how many people will be called emperors? Cao Cao's "Order to Let the County Commemorate its Own Annals"
11. What is life like when drinking and singing? Like morning dew, it will be more painful every day when it goes away. Cao Cao's "Dan Ge Xing"
12. The old man is always ambitious, but his ambition is thousands of miles; the martyr's old age is full of ambition. Cao Cao's "The Turtle Has Longevity"
13. I love killing people in my dreams! Cao Cao's "Three Kingdoms Kill"
14. But for the sake of the king, I have been pondering it to this day. Cao Cao's "Dan Ge Xing"
15. If there was a if, it would have been a long time ago. Cao Cao's "Character" Cao Cao's famous quotes Bao Zhao's famous quotes Fan Zhongyan's famous quotes Li Ao's famous quotes Tao Hongjing's famous quotes Cao Cao's classic quotes
1. It is unfortunate to be born in troubled times, but if you can turn chaos into order, wouldn't it be the greatest blessing among misfortunes!
2. In order to achieve stability, propriety is the first priority; to correct chaos, punishment is the first priority.
3. Assuming that there is no one in the country, how many people will be called emperors and how many will be called kings?
4. The mountains never get too high and the water never gets too deep. The Duke of Zhou feeds and the world returns to its heart.
5. It is not a hero to do great things but cherish one's life, to see small gains and forget one's life.
6. Generosity should be shown as generosity, and worries will be unforgettable. The only way to relieve worries is Du Kang.
7. The movement of the sun and the moon is as if it came out of it; the stars are shining brightly as if they were out of it.
8. Drinking and singing, what is life like? Like morning dew, it will be more painful every day when it goes away. The only way to relieve worries is Du Kang.
9. I would rather betray the world than let the world betray me!
10. Suppose there is no one in the world. How many people will be called kings and how many people will be called emperors?
11. If the saint's way worked, the saint would have ruled the world long ago.
12. Yesterday you misjudged me, Cao Cao, but what about today? You got it wrong again, but I'm still me, and I'm never afraid of others getting it wrong.
13. Suppose there is no one in the world. I don’t know how many people will be called emperors and how many people will be called kings.
14. A heroic husband is one who has great ambitions, a good plan, the opportunity to contain the universe, and the ambition to express the will of heaven and earth.
15. It can be big or small, it can rise or hide; if it is big, it can stir up clouds and spit out mist; if it is small, it can hide its shape; if it rises, it can soar in the universe; if it can be hidden, it can lurk within the waves.
16. Why do you think this man’s feet are whiter than his face and hands? It’s because he keeps hiding them.
17. Drinking and singing, what is life like? Like morning dew, it will be more painful every day when it goes away.
18. Facing the Jieshi in the east, you can view the sea. Where is the water? The mountains and islands are standing tall. Trees are growing and grass is luxuriant. The autumn wind is bleak and the waves are rising. The journey of the sun and the moon is like going out of it. The stars are as brilliant as if they came out of it. Fortunately, even singing praises one's aspirations.
19. I have never heard of an incompetent person, a person who does not fight, and is rewarded with salary, but can make contributions to the country.
20. I am not laughing at anything else, I am laughing at the fact that everyone has no plan to kill Dong Zhuoer. Although Cao Cao is not talented, I would like to cut off Dong Zhuo's head immediately and hang it on the capital gate to thank the world.
21. If you want to kill, just kill. Why hesitate to make yourself miserable!
22. Maybe you saw me wrong yesterday, but you saw me wrong again today, and maybe you will see me wrong again tomorrow, but I am still me, and I am never afraid that others will see me wrong.
23. Today, Duke Yuan is in great power and has a strong army. His two sons have grown up and he is the most famous in the world. Who is more powerful than this?
24. Let the world’s intelligence be used to control it, and nothing can be done.
25. The ministers of the Manchu Dynasty cried at night until dawn, and at dawn and into night. Can they still cry to death for Dong Zhuo?
26. Failure is a good thing. Failure teaches us how to succeed. Failure teaches us how to win. Failure teaches us how to conquer the world.
27. Those who achieve great things cannot do without money, but it does not entirely depend on money. First of all, people. The one who wins one hero is worth one hundred thousand gold and silver.
28. If our ancestors have lived for generations and have no thought of serving the country, how are they any different from beasts? I am dedicated to those who have done outstanding things, and I want to take advantage of them to eliminate harm for the country. If things don’t work out now, it’s God’s will!
29. White bones are exposed in the wild, and there is no rooster crowing for thousands of miles. One of the hundreds of things left behind by the living people will break people's hearts just thinking about it.
30. Since ancient times, great traitors appear to be loyal, and great hypocrites appear to be true. Neither loyalty nor evil can be seen from the surface. Maybe you misjudged me, Cao Cao, yesterday, but you misjudged me again today, but I am still me, and I am never afraid that others will misjudge me.
31. The strategist selects generals, measures the enemy, measures the territory, predicts the soldiers, distances and dangers, and plans in the temple.
32. If destiny is mine, I would like to be King Wen of Zhou.
33. I would rather betray others than let others betray me. I would rather betray the world than teach others to betray me.
34. The sage’s use of troops is to be used at the right time and as a last resort.
35. The power without justice is violence! Justice without power is impotent!
36. There is no need to give in three times just to show off, and don’t be flashy.
37. How foolish it is to shake Mount Tai from a place of ants.
38. This is me, Cao Mengde, the ancestor of Captain Jin.
39. I have the wisdom of the world at my disposal and control it with the Dao, and I can do anything.
40. Riding six dragons and riding on the wind. Traveling across the four seas, there are eight countries along the way. Climbing high mountains, approaching valleys, and riding on the clouds.
41. Dong Zhuo’s crime was exposed all over the world. We united with the masses and raised righteous soldiers, and everyone near and far responded. This is because we are moving for righteousness. Today, the young master is weak and controlled by treacherous ministers. There is no provocation for the destruction of Changyi and the country. But once the changes are made, who will be safe in the world? You guys are facing the north, I'm heading from the west.
42. If you want to win over others, you must first be invincible!
43. Riding six dragons, riding on the wind; traveling across the four seas, passing through eight countries on the way; joining nine princes, one can rule the world!
44. Select the talented people in their hometown and teach them. The ways of the common people and the ancestors of the kings will not be abolished, but will benefit the world.
45. Qingqing Zijin is my heart.
But for your sake, I still ponder it. Yo yo deer roar, eat wild apples. I have guests who play the harp and sheng.
46. Those who have been striving to do outstanding things in recent days really want to take advantage of the opportunity. Today Zhuo has great faith in Cao, and Cao will approach Zhuo when the time comes. I heard that Situ had a Qibao sword, and he was willing to use it to enter the Prime Minister's Mansion to assassinate him. Even if he died, he would not hate it!
47. Surrender yourself to your country, destroy your body for justice, and hang your feet behind you.
48. Although the tortoise has a long life, it still has its time; the snake rides on the mist, but eventually becomes ashes.
49. There is an end, and sages cannot escape it, so why worry about it?
50. How do you know whether today’s unknown rat will become world-famous in the future? If you were really famous all over the world, would you regret what happened today?
51. With thousands of poems and thousands of cups of wine, how many times have I set my sights on the princes?
52. The love is sincere, but it is not as good as Zijian’s poems.
53. If a person wants to succeed, he must be able to take it up and let it go.
54. It is appropriate to have eunuchs and eunuchs in ancient and modern times, but the master of the world should not allow false power and favor to lead to this.
55. People can survive by cutting off their arms, but how can they survive by cutting off their heads?
56. Qingqing Zijin is in my heart, but for the sake of you, I still ponder it.
57. If you have your will, you will achieve your goal, just like the martyrs.
58. The dragon can be big or small. It can rise or disappear. If it is big, it can stir up clouds and spit out mist. If it is small, it can hide its shape. If it rises, it can soar in the universe. If it is hidden, it can lurk within the waves. The changes in the dragon's time are comparable to the heroes of the world!
59. The world misunderstood me yesterday, and they misunderstood me today. I am afraid they will misunderstand me again tomorrow, but I am not afraid! I, Cao Cao, have never been afraid of others misunderstanding me. I am still Cao Cao!
60. You have misjudged me once, and you have misjudged me again today. Your thoughts have changed, but I am still me.
61. Bochang of Western Zhou Dynasty had this holy virtue. There are three parts of the world, but there are two. If you make contributions to your cultivation, your integrity will not be prosperous. Chonghou slandered him, so he was detained.
62. When the emperor bestows official titles and ministers express their resignation, it does not necessarily have to be three times.
63. There will be kings and horses in the world, but there will be no heroes.
64. I had a bad sleep in the middle of the night. I sweated after drinking porridge tomorrow and took Angelica Tanggui Decoction.
65. People without talents cannot make meritorious deeds, are not beneficial to the country, and cannot receive rewards.
66. Failure is a good thing. Failure can teach us how to succeed. Failure can teach us how to win. Failure can teach us how to achieve great things.
67. The world misunderstood me yesterday, and they misunderstood me again today, and they may misunderstand me again tomorrow, but I am still me. I am never afraid that the world will misunderstand me, I am still me.
68. The period of profit and contraction is not only in heaven; the blessing of nourishing happiness can lead to eternal life.
69. There has never been a person in this world who is victorious in all battles. There are only people who are defeated but not in danger, who gain courage from defeat, and who finally win.
70. A man who is greedy but cowardly, who is fond of making plans but never makes a decision, who cherishes his life when doing great things, and who flees when he sees a small gain.
71. A wise king will not reward ministers who have no meritorious service, and will not reward those who do not fight. He should maintain peace and virtue, and reward meritorious deeds.
72. Don’t be angry, anger will reduce your wisdom; don’t hate your enemies, because hatred will reduce your judgment. Instead of hating your enemies, it is better to use them for my own use.
73. Failure is not terrible. What is terrible is that when you fail, you also lose your fighting spirit.
74. The moon and stars are sparse, and the black magpie flies south, circling the tree three times, where is the branch to rely on?
75. The sparrow knows the ambition of the swan! Now that you have caught me, you can untie me and ask for your reward. Why ask more!
76. Sorry, my head is too expensive, and yours is too cheap!
77. The old man is always ambitious, but the martyr is ambitious in his old age.
78. Suppose there is no lonely person in the world. I don’t know how many people will be called kings and how many people will be called emperors. Or when people see that they are lonely and powerful, and they do not believe in destiny, they are afraid of selfish criticism and have unfavorable ambitions.
79. When resigning from a noble position and fleeing for a salary, do not use it to gain fame and gain reputation, and do not call it a concession because of the loss of position.
80. Death is not scary. Death is a cool summer night, where people can sleep without worry.
81. A person who is good at doing things may not be able to be enterprising, and a person who is enterprising may not be able to do things well.