Our country is a country with a long history. Our ancestors left us not only the Chinese national spirit containing noble qualities, but also left us many principles of life. Some of these principles are easy to understand, while others are more profound. Some are passed down in the form of language such as idioms or idioms, and some are passed down in the form of records in books. If a gentleman is not serious, he will not be powerful. The word "not serious" in this sentence means that the quality must be solemn. If a person's quality is not honest and high-quality, then he is not worthy of the respect of others. 1. "The Analects"
Confucianism has always been the orthodox thought that many kings have adhered to for so many years. Confucianism is also a very large academic school. In this academic school, many famous scholars have been derived and many famous treatises have been written. The Analects of Confucius is a book compiled by Confucius' students to record Confucius. Among the books of words and deeds, there are many very short but profound words in The Analects, which can bring very profound enlightenment to future generations. 2. If a gentleman is not serious, he will not be powerful
When it comes to a gentleman, the first thing that comes to many people's minds is the image of an elegant scholar in white clothes. In fact, a gentleman cannot be limited by his appearance. As long as his conduct can meet the standards of a gentleman, he will be a true gentleman no matter what his appearance is. In the Analects of Confucius, there are many words describing how to become a gentleman. If a gentleman is not serious, he will not be powerful. The word "not important" means that if the conduct is not dignified and solemn, this sentence also shows a person's Character plays a very important role. 3. Noble quality
Confucius said many famous aphorisms on how to cultivate a person's noble quality in "The Analects". There are many words that show the importance of a person having noble qualities. Like this sentence, it means that if a person does not have a solemn and noble quality, then he is not worthy of being respected by others. Many of Confucius' words have become principles and models that future generations will continue to abide by. Having a noble quality is the prerequisite for everything and can win the respect of others.