? The king of Wei once asked Confucius to be an official. Before leaving, Luz asked Confucius what he planned to do first. Confucius said, "Yes, yes! If a gentleman doesn't know, he can't be punished. Incorrect names and words are not fluent; Words are not smooth, things are not smooth; If you can't do it, you will be happy; If the ceremony and music are not prosperous, the punishment will be lost; If the punishment is not correct, the people have no wrong hands and no feet. Therefore, the name of a gentleman must be spoken, and words must be feasible. The words of a gentleman are nothing but nothing. " In other words, you must first correct your name, because the name is regular, smooth and smooth. What's more, for a person, isn't it more important for a country? Sacrificing the public and admonishing the dog tells us such a story.
? After a long period of rule, the Western Zhou Dynasty gradually began to decline, but at this time, Zhou Muwang planned to send troops to attack the dog Rong in the west. For this kind of expedition, Jigong resolutely opposes: "No!" The reason is that "Wang Yao didn't notice the soldiers first". In other words, our former king advocated carrying forward benevolence and righteousness, not showing off force. Zhou Wuwang's crusade against Shang Tang was also to save the suffering people. When the Zhou Dynasty was founded, it clearly stipulated the standards of regional governance, sacrifice and sacrifice, and under what circumstances force could be used. According to the distance from the emperor, the Zhou Dynasty stipulated which level of sacrifice was responsible for, namely, the standard costume, the Hou costume, the guest costume, the Yao costume and the Huangfu. If they can't do this, they will be attacked or conquered according to the law. Only in this way can a famous teacher serve the public and play a fighting role.
In order to illustrate the importance of "ruling the country by virtue", the sacrifice can be traced back to the hard work between Rong and Zhai, saying: "I dare not slack off my work, my virtue, usurp my thoughts, and modify my precepts to be diligent and faithful day and night; The world is virtuous, not to mention the predecessors. "So in the end, they can unify China and gain everyone's respect.
? However, in the end, Zhou Muwang didn't listen to the admonition of Jigong and sent troops to attack Dijon. As a result, he only got four white wolves and four white deer back, and what is even more terrible is that "the natural losers will not come."
Therefore, Sun Tzu's Art of War also puts forward: "So learn five things, and learn them with a plan: one is Tao, the other is heaven, the third is earth, the fourth is general, and the fifth is law."
In Confucian classics, Zhou Muwang was a bad king who was afraid of famine and militarism. However, there are different records about Zhou Muwang's attack on Kanrong in history. The story of Eight Horses' Journey to the West is recorded in Mu Zhuan. This book about Mu Wang's westward journey lasted for half a year, and he met with the leaders of dozens of tribes. Although he has six divisions, there is no war. Therefore, Mu Wang's westward journey can be said to be a long journey, and it can also be said to be a visit from a distant country. Confucianism is a self-enclosed system, thinking that it is good to stay in one's own country, why go to other people's territory. It can be seen from Four White Wolves and Four White Deer that he may just go hunting.
Time has passed, and we don't know whether Zhou Mugong is going hunting or conquering dogs, but the concept of "Yao De doesn't look at soldiers" put forward in the article is still very reasonable. Including modern management.