Confucianism holds that poverty is the only way to protect oneself and wealth is the best way to help the world. The founder of Confucianism is Confucius, who has a high position in history and is highly praised by people. Later, everyone regarded him as a saint and a teacher for generations.
Even a saint like Confucius may be angry enough to call names, so why should he call names? Let's take a look now. At that time, Confucius liked studying abroad. Of course, there were many disciples of Confucius, but one disciple had a great personality, liked to talk back to Confucius and questioned his personal culture, and he was not interested in his own study.
He is one of Confucius' most worried students. After the student often made mistakes, Confucius said that rotten wood can't be carved, and the wall of dirt can't be helped. He means that the student is hopeless and no one can help him. This swearing word has been used by teachers to criticize some naughty students. Confucius had a great influence. A hundred years later, we also read his Analects, and his cultural treasures have been passed down to this day. We should inherit the Confucian culture of China and spread the precious culture of China.