Zihan Chapter of Confucius's "Analects of Confucius": A wise person will not be confused, a benevolent person will not be worried, a courageous person will not be afraid, or a wise person will not be confused, a benevolent person will not be worried , The brave are not afraid
Look at wisdom, benevolence, and courage, among the three, wisdom ranks first. In other words, only if a person has great wisdom can he have great benevolence and great courage.
A person who possesses great wisdom, also possesses extremely high benevolence, and has a will that will not waver under any circumstances. The person who combines these three is the elite among gentlemen. , that is, an extraordinary saint.
If all three qualities are present, "a wise man will understand the world, a benevolent man will not have any worries, and a brave man will not have any fear."
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