1. Friendship is a selfless communication between two equals; love is a humble communication between a tyrant and a slave. ——Oliver Goldsmith
2. What is a happy childhood? There is no gap between parents, loving their children tenderly while maintaining firm discipline. And an attitude of absolute equality is maintained among children. ——Andre Moloa
3. We hold the following truths to be self-evident: All men are created equal, and are endowed by their Creator with certain inalienable rights, including the right to life and freedom. rights and the pursuit of happiness. ——Thomas Jefferson
4. The basic effort of a society may be to try to make its members equal, but the individual self-esteem of its members always hopes to get ahead and form something beneficial to them somewhere. of inequality. ——De Tocqueville
5. As long as there is a market economy, as long as monetary power and capital power are maintained, no law in the world will be able to eliminate inequality and exploitation. ——Lenin