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Who knows what are the most classic quotes that Michael Jordan once said? Grateful
Hello, I'm glad to answer your questions: 1. TalentWinsgames, ButteamworkWinschampions.

Genius can win some competitions, and teamwork can win the championship.

2. Icancaccept DefeatButCouldNotAcceptTogiveUp.

I can accept failure. But you can't accept giving up. (Jordan motto)

3. Whenistepoutoothebackallcourt, Iconsidermyself tobethebestBasketballplayericanbe. ihave always been faithful to the Basketballcourt that everything's that' McApable of doing. When I zoom in. When Faw walked into the basketball court, I imagined myself as the best basketball player. I have the confidence that I can do everything well once I step into the court.

4."We'reentertainers.Idon'tthinkmyjobismoreimportantthanallthefiremenandpolicemen'sjobseachandeveryday.Thereisaplaceforrelaxation, Andithinkhat's SwheremyResponsibilitylies. Hopfully, Icanproviderelaxion for some people. "We players are also actors. I don't think my daily work is more important than firefighters or policemen. This stadium is for people to relax, and I have the responsibility or can do something to relax them!

5. I'm mnotabouthemoney. Idon 'tcareifietpaidadime. I'm vesaidthatmanyyears. I'm mgoingtoplaythegame of basketball. I don't care about money. I don't care. Even if I only get a little money, I just want to say that I tried my best to play basketball for a long time because I love it.

6. "unless I play badly, they won't have this idea. No matter where you go, it will make you sad ... This is a question that I have never thought about, and my agent may think so. "

7."I'mnotwalkingintothisscenariothinkingI'mfailing.I'mwalkinginthinkingI'mconfidentandprettysurethatIcanmakeitwork.IfIsithereandlistenedtoeveryoneel Setellmethodican't do it, thenobviouslyiwouldn 'tbehere. "I didn't walk into the stadium with the feeling that I would fail. I came back full of confidence and I believe I can still make a difference. If I just sit here and listen to others tell me that I can't come back, then I certainly won't be here.

8."Physically,IknowthatI'mnot25yearsold.I'mnotsteppingupandsayingIwillbe25yearsoldwhenIsteponthatcourt, Butifeellikeicanplay the game of Basketballatthehighestlevel, and that's swhatiaimtodo. "Physically, I know that I am not a 25-year-old young man. When I step onto the field, I won't say that I am as strong as when I was 25, but I believe that I can reach the highest level, which is also my goal. "

9."Icomefromwhereyou'reexpectedtodominateandyouarethetarget-everybody'sshootingatyou.Well,here,noone'sexpectinganything, soI'mkindofcomingfromtheunderdogaspectofthings,whichiskindofdifferent,butyetit'sfresh, it'snew.We'renotexpectedtowin5games.FromwhatIhearfrommostofyouguys, we'renotexpectedtowin3games.Andthat'sachallenge.I'mnotcominginwiththesepreconceivedideasthatwe'regoingtobe5-32.I'llbetotallysurprisedifwe're5-32, Butithinkenbefferberthan 19-63. "When I retire, I can control the stadium. I am the goal that everyone wants to knock down and then quickly. But now, no one expects me. I appear in a low-key posture. This contrast is too great, but it is also very new. No one expects us to win 5 games. Many people say we won't win 3 games. It's a challenge ... I'm not coming back with confidence that I will win 5 games. If we win 5 games and lose 32 games, I'll be surprised. But I think we will definitely be better than 19 wins and 63 losses. < P > 1. "Iamgoing to have to be patient, to have everything, to place everything, and to have nothing to expect, to come out and score 4 or 5 pointsthefirstnight.i'm justgoingttor. Ytoworkmywaybackintotheintensityofthegame. "I will be patient enough. I dare not expect to score 4 points or 5 points in the first game. I will gradually adapt to the fierce competition in my own way.

11. "Ifthatwasmyyconcern, iwouldn' tdotothis.i' mnotafraidtotakeaconChallenge.i' mnotafraidtotakeastep.ifall, ifall, Pickmyselfupandmoveon. "If I care about this, I won't come back ... I'm never afraid of challenges ... I'm never afraid to take a new step. If I fail, Then I'll get up and start over.

12. "I'm going to challenge myself and see things and see things in Canada. Ifattheendofthedayidoit, great. Ifidon't, Icanlivewithmyself."

13."EverybodywassonegativeaboutwhatIwastryingtodo.IfIreadeverynewspaperaboutnegativethingsthatIwastryingtodo, IswearIwouldn'tliveinAmerica.America'ssupposedtobethefreewilltodowhateveryouchoose, dowhateveryouwanttodo.That'sallI'mdoing.I'mnotcommittingacrimehere.I'mjusttryingtoplayagameofbasketball.WhatifI'mtiredofplayingYMCAsortheBoysandGirlsClubs? Iwanttostepin totheelite competition. ificandoit, great. ifican't, that's great, too. but you can't' taikemmysixchampion ship. "Everyone is depressed about what I'm going to do. If I read the newspapers that oppose my comeback, I swear I will definitely not be able to survive in America. The purpose of America is to do whatever you want. That's what I'm doing now. I'm not committing a crime here. I just want to play a real basketball game. If I'm tired of playing with children, I'll take part in the classic. Whether it succeeds or not, it is a good thing. Anyway, you can't deprive me of my six championship rings. "

14." the youngdog saregoing to chase mearound. well, I'm mnotgoingtobark to ofaraway fromhem, there. I'm mnotrunningfrombody. If anything. "Those young guys will chase me around on the court, and I won't get too close to them. If so, it will be a great challenge.

15."I'mnotsayingthatIcantakeKobeBryant, thatIcantakeTracyMcGrady.Youguysaretheonlyonessayingthattheycantakeme.Allgoodandfine.I'mprettysurethey'resittingbackwelcomingthechallenge.Guesswhat-I'm Sittingbackwelcomingthe challenge, too. "I'm not saying I can beat Kobe Bryant, I can beat Mike Grati. You all said that they would replace me. I believe they must be eager to meet me, and I am eager to meet them.

16."I'mnotwalkingintothedark.IknowwhatI'mcapableofdoing.Iknowwhat'sgoingtobeexpectedofme.Iknoweverybody'sputtingmyheadontheblock.Everybody'smotivate Dtocomeoutandplayagainstme. Everyone' Smootedtocomeoutplayagainstme. Well, Everyone's Motivated Toplayagainstmewhereleft. Sotingshaven' tchanged. "I'm not going into the dark, I know my own strength, I know people's expectations of me, and I know everyone wants to beat me. Everyone wanted to compete with me when I left, and it hasn't changed now.

17.Ificouldfly, iwouldcatchthesky. (Air Jordan. Hehasgivenall the audienceflyingimage.)

18. "Obviously, Whenilefthegame, Ileftsomethingonthefloor.Youguysmaynotbeabletounderstandthat.Afterwewonthelasttitle,Ididn'tsitdown, Readytoquitthegame. ididn' twanttogothhroughehewholebuilding processatthattime. If Phil (Jackson) hadstayedthereandteam hadstayedintact, iwouldhavestilbeenplaying. "Obviously, when I left the game, I left something behind. You may not understand that when we won the last championship, I didn't intend to retire, and I didn't intend to overthrow the established foundation at that time. If Phil (Jackson) had stayed with the Bulls, I would still be playing. "

19." There's SanitchthatstillNeedstobeScratchedHere, AndiwanttomakesureThe Scratchdoesn' tbothermeFortherestofMylife. "If I am regarded as the best player in a certain game, I have to show people that I have that level because I work harder and pay more than others. My success does not come from ease and enjoyment. (The original text of this sentence is not quite consistent)

2. "Iddn' trealizethestratchwasstillthereuntiligotclosetothegame, becameinvolvedintheresponsibility, gotclosetotheplayers. iunderstoodthatcompilationcreateDanish. What i 'mtry.