If the ancient desire is obviously superior to the world, govern the country first. If you want to govern your country, you should unite your family first. If you want to keep your family together, you should trim your body first. If you want to cultivate yourself, you should be upright first. If you want to be right, be sincere first. If you want to be sincere, let him know first. Knowledge exists in things. Things are known, people know and are sincere, honest and upright, upright and self-cultivation, self-cultivation and self-cultivation, self-cultivation and self-cultivation, self-cultivation and governing the country, governing the country and leveling the world.
The word "university" in the Four Books and Five Classics is Confucianism.
Supplement: Mencius borrowed from Confucius' thoughts, but mainly because of different opinions and close ideological ties, it is inconvenient to distinguish them;
If I had to say anything, Confucius would have done so long ago, so I can barely count on it.
The Book of Rites first proposed self-cultivation, and the university came from the Book of Rites.