Original text
Confucius said: "If there is a way in the world, rituals and music will come from the emperor. If there is no way in the world, then rituals and music will come from the princes. From the princes, it will last for ten generations. I hope that I will not lose it; I hope that I will not lose it in the fifth generation since I am a doctor; I hope that I will not lose it in the third generation if I accompany the ministers to carry out the country's orders. If the world has a way, the government will not be governed by the doctor. If the world has a way, then the common people will not discuss it."
Personal understanding: The world with Dao refers to the Western Zhou Dynasty and the world without Dao refers to the Spring and Autumn Period. Confucius maintained the ritual and music system of the Western Zhou Dynasty throughout his life. In the Spring and Autumn Period, the feudal lords were divided into separate kingdoms. It proves that it comes from the emperor and from the princes. If the world is clear, then the power to make rituals and music and to issue orders for conquests comes from the emperor. If the world is chaotic, then the power to make rituals and music and to issue orders for conquests comes from the princes. If it comes from the princes, it will be passed down to ten generations, and few will not be lost; if it comes from the officials, it will be passed down for ten generations. If it is passed down to the fifth generation, it is rare that it is not lost; if the officials' retainers control the government's decrees, it is rare if it is passed down to the third generation. Politics