During the Spring and Autumn Period, the son of Cheng Si in Song Dynasty was not simple and honest, and was deeply loved by people. Someone got a piece of Baoyu and asked someone to identify it and gave it to Zi Han. Zi Han refused to accept it, saying, "You value gems, but I value greed. If I accept your jade, then we all lose our treasure. Why don't we each have our own baby?
Yang Zhen refused to pay.
In the Eastern Han Dynasty, Yang Zhen passed by Changyi on his way to his post. Wang Mishan, the magistrate of Changyi County, visited him and gave him ten catties of gold as a gift. Yang Zhen said, "An old friend knows a gentleman, but you don't know an old friend. Why? Wang Mi didn't know that Poplar really blamed him and said, "It's getting dark, and no one knows. Yang Zhen said, "God knows, God knows, you know, I know, what is ignorance? Hearing this, Wang Mi was ashamed and went away disgruntled. "。
A praiseworthy upright official.
In the Eastern Han Dynasty, a man named Liu Chong was appointed as the prefect of Huiji. He reformed graft and abolished exorbitant taxes, which made the lawsuit very clean. Later, he was transferred to the post of master craftsman by the imperial court. Before he left, the local people took the initiative to collect money for Liu Chong, who was about to leave, but Liu Chong was not affected. Later, it was really hard to refuse, so I took a copper coin from it and accepted it symbolically. For this reason, he is called "one yuan satrap"
Wu Yinzhi is not afraid to drink greedy spring water.
Wu Yinzhi, a native of Jin Dynasty, was appointed as the magistrate of Guangzhou. Outside Guangzhou, he saw a pool of spring water called "Chanquan". According to local legend, if you drink from the fountain of greed, you will become greedy. He believed it and drank it correctly. After drinking, he wrote a poem: "The ancients were pregnant with a thousand. It is not easy to try to get Qi Yi to drink. " During his tenure, he was honest and self-disciplined and adhered to his own integrity.
Yu Qian, remain uncorrupted
The famous ministers of the Ming Dynasty were honest and clean. On one occasion, the court sent him to Henan to inspect. When he returned to Beijing, people bought some local specialties such as silk handkerchief, mushrooms and incense sticks, which were expensive to send back to Beijing, but he refused to accept them. At the same time, he also wrote a poem to show his heart: Sipa mushroom, fragrant and harmful to the people. The wind blows the sleeves to the sky, so as not to talk short. "