2、Punk is musical freedom. Its saying, doing and playing what you want. In Websters terms, Nirvana means freedom from pain, Suffering and the external world, and those pretty close to my definition of punk rock. Punk is the freedom of music form. What you think and think is expressed by talking, acting and playing. In Webster's dictionary, "Nirvana" means to get rid of pain, suffering and the external world, which is very close to my definition of punk rock.
3. Wanting to be someone else is a waste of the person you are. It's a waste of my true self to spend time turning myself into someone else's style.
4. nobody dies a virgin. life fucks us all. no one can die everywhere, and life has dried us up one by one.
5. The duty of youth is to challenge corruption. The responsibility of youth is to challenge corruption.
6. I am not gay, I wish I were, just to Piss off homophobes. I am not gay, although I wish I was, just to make those homophobes mad.
7, its better to be burned out than fade away. It is better to burn calmly than to linger.