Original text of "Book of Shang Jun":
Xiao Pingping painted, Gongsun Yang, Qianlong and Du Zhi were in charge of the three great officials. Consider the changes in world affairs, seek the foundation of rectification, and seek ways to serve the people.
The king said: "It is the way of a king to not forget the country and the country. It is also the conduct of ministers to clarify the rules and regulations. Now I want to change the law to govern and teach the people more etiquette. I am afraid of the opinions of the world. Me too."
Gongsun Yang said: "I heard that 'nothing will be done if you doubt it, and no success will be achieved if you doubt it. Those who behave like masters will definitely lose to the world; those who have the worry of being alone will surely find success in the people. The saying goes: "The fool is in the dark about success, and the wise see in the beginning. People cannot start with worry, but can achieve success with it." . Guo Yan's Fa said: "The most virtuous person does not follow the customs, and the person who achieves great success does not seek others." The reason why the law is to love the people, and the reason why the sage can make a country strong is because of the law; You can benefit the people without following the etiquette."
Xiao Gong said: "Good!"
Qianlong said: "No. I heard that the sage does not teach by changing the people. Those who know will govern without changing the law. 'Those who teach for the sake of the people will achieve success without labor; those who govern according to the law will make the people more peaceful if they follow the rules of the Qin Dynasty. Sir, I wish you could examine it."
Gongsun Yang said: "What you said is worldly. Ordinary people are content with their old habits, and scholars are addicted to what they hear, so they are in official positions. And obeying the law is not something other than the law. The three generations are kings based on different rituals, and the five hegemons are kings based on different laws. Therefore, those who know how to follow the law, but those who are ignorant will be more polite, and those who are unruly will be less strict. "There is no doubt that the person who makes the law is not able to change it."
Du Zhi said: "I heard that if the benefit is not a hundred, the law will not change; if the merit is not ten, the tool will not change." I heard: 'There is no fault in the ancient law, and there is no evil in following the rules. '"
Gongsun Yang said: "In the past, there were different teachings, so how could the emperors follow the same rules? Follow? Fu Xi and Shen Nong taught but did not punish; Huangdi, Yao, and Shun punished but did not get angry; as for civil and military officials, they made laws according to the time, and made rituals and laws according to the circumstances; regulations and orders were all in accordance with the time. It is appropriate; the weapons and armor are prepared according to their own use. The minister said: If there is no one way to govern the country, it is not necessary to follow the ancients. The kings of Tang and Wu prospered without cultivating the ancients; the Yin and Xia were destroyed because they did not follow the rituals. But those who are against the ancients are not necessarily wrong, and those who follow the rites are not wrong."
Xiao Gong said: "I heard that there are many weird things in the streets, and the laughter of fools. , The wise man is sad; the crazy man is happy, and the wise man is mourning. If you stick to the world and discuss it, I will not doubt it."
So the grass reclamation order was issued.
Translation of "Shang Jun Shu":
This is the essence of Legalist thought. The "Gengfa" chapter details the debate between Shang Yang, Qianlong and Du Zhi on the reform issue in front of Qin Xiaogong.
In response to Qin Xiaogong's fear of changing laws and reforming etiquette and being criticized by the world, Shang Yang said: "If you hesitate in taking action, you will not be famous, and if you hesitate in doing things, you will not succeed. I advise the king to make up his mind to change it quickly." Follow the rules, don't be afraid of others' criticism. The rules are to protect the people, and the etiquette is conducive to state affairs.
So when a sage governs a country, there is no need to follow the old rules; as long as it is beneficial to the country. People don’t have to abide by the old etiquette.” In response to Qianlong’s statement that “it takes little effort to govern the country according to the old etiquette and customs of the people, and the officials will be familiar with it and the people will be at peace with each other.” , Shang Yang said: "These are the words of the common people."
The ritual systems of the Xia, Shang and Zhou dynasties were different, but they all achieved the king's inheritance; the laws of the five hegemons in the Spring and Autumn Period were also different, but they all achieved the success Hegemony. Therefore, wise people create laws and regulations, while ignorant people are subject to the sanctions of laws and regulations; wise men reform the etiquette system, while mediocre people are bound by the etiquette system. We cannot discuss major matters with people who are bound by etiquette, and we cannot discuss reforms with people who are sanctioned by law.
In response to Du Zhi's statement that "there is nothing wrong if you imitate the ancients, and there is no evil if you abide by the old rituals", Shang Yang said: "The politics and religion in ancient times were different. Which ancient people should we imitate? If emperors do not follow each other, who should we guard? The etiquette system and laws must be formulated according to the times, and the orders must meet the actual needs. Therefore, I say that governing the people is not a method; for the benefit of the country, there is no need to follow the ancients.”
"Three generations were kings without etiquette, and the five hegemons were hegemons without laws." "If there is no one way to govern the country, there is no need to follow the ancient rules to facilitate the country." These became Shang Yang's famous sayings in advocating reforms. The chapter "Kaisei" starts from examining the different stages of the development of human society, and demonstrates that in the late Warring States period, only the rule of law can be implemented, which is the only feasible way to govern the country. "The sage does not follow the past and does not cultivate the present. If he follows the ancient, he will be behind the times; if he practices the present, he will be blocked by the trend." This shows that only reform and innovation can make the country prosperous and strong.
This article comes from Shang Yang of the Legalist school during the Warring States Period.
Creative background:
"Shang Jun Shu" discusses "a strong country and a weak people". For example: "The Book of Shang Jun" says, "If the people are weak, the country will be strong, and if the country is strong, the people will be weak. Therefore, the state affairs of a righteous country depend on the weak people. Simplicity will make you strong, and lust will make you weak. Weakness will lead to the track, and lust will lead to ambition. Weakness will make you useful." The more ambitious you are, the stronger you will be. Therefore, it is said: If you use strength to defeat the strong, you will become weak; if you use the weak to defeat the strong, you will become strong. "A country that can defeat powerful enemies and dominate the world must control its people and make them "weak people." Not a "prostitute".
Shang Yang believes that the strength of the country and the strength of the people are opposite. Only by making the people obey the law and be honest and honest will it be difficult for the people to form a strong force to fight against the country and the monarch. Only then will the country be easy to govern and the monarch's position will be firm.
However, don’t understand “weak people” as “foolish people”.
The "Book of Shang Jun" believes that human nature is inherently evil, and human viciousness must be recognized. To govern a country, evil must be used to rule out good, so that the country can be strong. "Shang Jun Shu" advocates heavy punishment and light reward. He believes that increasing punishment and reducing rewards means that the monarch cares for the people, and the people will fight for rewards desperately; increasing rewards and lightening penalties means that the monarch does not care for the people, and the people will not fight for rewards. And fight to the death.