Where there is a will, there is a way. There is no way out, no matter how rich or poor, there is no root. The painstaking efforts of man and nature are not let down, and the emperor and general have no seeds at all. Those who do not have deep ambitions do not have clear understanding. He who has no faint things has no great achievements.
Opportunity favors the prepared mind; luck favors the brave pursuer.
Miracles always appear where no one expects; success always occurs in the face of impossible challenges.
If you look at the smallest details, you will leave a large number in the world.
Seize the opportunity and strive for eternal success; learn to give up, and a small impatience will mess up the big plan.
The same color of sea and sky guides the way of celebrities; rough waves awaken heroes who have been drunk for a long time.
There is evil in good and good in evil. Don’t take things too seriously.
On the road to teaching children to become talents, there is no problem of "listening to one side will make you dark, and listening to both will make you bright", but "listening too much will make you confused, and the more you listen, the more confused you will be."
A country depends entirely on the support of literati, and every talented person builds a building.
The abilities of individuals are almost the same, and they must be good at making use of "objects" such as "horses and boats" in the environment. Only by being "good at fakes and objects" can one be better than others and achieve great things. Every ability is developed through training.
The road of life is never to be walked out of.
Teaching your children the Tao starts early. Blank paper, good drawing.
If you raise it at one year old, it will grow quickly. Taught at the age of two, one must be filial.
Three to four, preschool period. Teach arithmetic and learn literacy.
Go to school on the 5th, not too late. Learn education and etiquette.
Six independence, learn to take care of yourself. The third one is old, and the seventh one is old.
One year is worth ten years. Don't delay, rather get ahead.
A day's planning begins in the morning. A year begins with spring.
Life depends on children. If you miss your childhood, you will miss your life.
Everything in this world can be waited for. When it comes to children’s education, don’t wait.
A genius begins with a child prodigy. Child prodigies are born from early education.
Early development, early discovery. Cultivate early and have foresight.