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Confucius’ famous sayings about benevolence

Being so angry that you forget to eat, being happy and forgetting your worries, not knowing that old age is coming... Eat sparingly, drink water, bend your arms and rest on them, and enjoy them. Being rich and noble without justice is like a floating cloud to me. Xianzai, come back! A basket of food and a ladle of drink, in a back alley, people can't bear to worry about it. Even if I return, I will not change my joy. Xianzai, come back! It is not enough for a scholar to aspire to the Tao, but to be ashamed of those who wear bad clothes and eat bad food. Wealth and honor are what people want; if they don't follow the right path, they won't get it. Poverty and lowliness are what people hate; if you don't follow the right path, you won't get rid of them. If you are rich and can be sought after, even if you are a man with a whip, I will do it. If you can't ask for it, do as I like. Isn’t it great to have friends from far away? Think of righteousness when you see benefit, and give orders when you see danger. Cultivation of oneself in order to respect others... Cultivation of oneself in order to bring peace to others... Cultivation of oneself in order to bring peace to the people. You can support an orphan six feet away, you can send a life a hundred miles away, and you can't take it away on a big day. A man with lofty ideals and benevolence will not harm his benevolence by seeking life, but will sacrifice his life to achieve benevolence. The king died due to illness and his name was not known. A man who is a good man is upright and loves justice. Observe words and colors, and consider the following people. A gentleman is arrogant but not arrogant, and a villain is arrogant but not arrogant. It is easy for a gentleman to do things, but it is difficult to say "pleasure". To say "pleasure" is not to follow the way, and not to say "pleasure". A gentleman's official position is to act righteously. The son said that he was born. "There are four principles of a gentleman: he behaves respectfully to himself, he is respectful in his conduct, he benefits the people when he nourishes them, and he treats the people righteously." A gentleman is harmonious but different; a villain is homogeneous but not harmonious. A gentleman is reserved and does not fight, and he is a group but not a party. A gentleman is always in competition with others, but a villain is not always in competition with others. A gentleman is magnanimous, but a villain is always worried. The benevolent do not worry, the wise do not be confused, the brave do not fear. Acting with interests in mind will lead to more resentment. If you seek benevolence and gain benevolence, why complain? If quality is better than literature, the country will be wild; if literature is better than quality, history will be achieved. Be gentle and polite, then be a gentleman. A gentleman seeks the road but not food; a gentleman worries about the road but not poverty. How can we not care about the French language? Change it to expensive. How can Xun say nothing to him? Make it valuable. If I say it but don’t explain it, and therefore don’t change it, then I’m done with it. Seeing good is like exploring a soup. A gentleman respects the virtuous but tolerates others; he praises the good but is reserved. Being a scholar is not enough to be a scholar! Life motto: If you don't learn etiquette, you can't stand up. Do to others what you don't want others to do. If you want to establish yourself, you can establish others; if you want to reach yourself, you can reach others. If you are generous to yourself but do not blame others, you will be far away from resentment. When you see a virtuous person, you think about them; when you see a virtuous person, you reflect on yourself. When three people walk together, they must have a teacher. Choose the good ones and follow them, and choose the bad ones and change them. I examine myself three times every day: Am I being unfaithful to others? Have you ever left a letter with a friend? Are you not used to it? Be respectful where you live, be respectful in your work, and be loyal to others. A gentleman is respectful without fail, treats others respectfully and courteously, and is a brother in the world. He is loyal in words and respectful in actions. This is true even in a barbaric country. If you are not faithful in words and respectful in deeds, how can you do it even if you live in the state? He who behaves his own way with shame, sends troops to all directions, and does not disgrace the emperor's orders, can be called a scholar. Confucius said: "He who can do the five things is benevolent in the world." Please ask. Said: "Gong, generosity, trust, sensitivity, and benefit. Being respectful means not insulting, being lenient means winning people, being trustworthy means being able to do whatever you want, being sensitive means being successful, and being merciful means being able to win over others." A gentleman takes righteousness as a pledge, conducts it with propriety, develops it as a grandson, and fulfills it with faith. What a gentleman! To make a mistake without correcting it is to make a mistake! If you pass, you will be afraid of making changes. Don't express your anger, don't make mistakes. The three armies can seize the commander, but an ordinary man cannot seize the will! If a person has no long-term worries, he must have immediate worries. No desire for haste, no small gain in sight. If you want haste, you will not achieve anything; if you see small gains, you will not achieve great things. Scholars must be ambitious and have a long way to go. Isn’t it important to think of benevolence as one’s own responsibility? Isn't it just too far to die before oneself? If one's virtues are not promoted and his faith is not firm, how can he be able to exist or how can he be destroyed? When making friends, keep your word. Use literature to make friends, and friends to support benevolence. There are three friends who will benefit, and three friends who will harm you. Friends who are straight, friends who are understanding, and friends who are knowledgeable are beneficial. If you have friends, you will be brave. If you are friendly, you will be gentle. If you have friends, you will be sycophantic, which is a loss. A gentleman wants to be slow in words but quick in deeds. A gentleman who has nothing to eat and seek to be satisfied, and who has no desire to live in peace, who is sensitive to things and careful in his words, is Taoist and upright, and he can be said to be eager to learn. Clever words and bad morals. Clever words and beautiful words are fresh and benevolent. Strength, perseverance, wood, indifference and benevolence. Those who are virtuous must cultivate their words, but those who are eloquent do not need to cultivate their virtues. Listen to what they say and watch what they do. You don't use your words to lift people up, and you don't use people to waste your words. The ancients couldn't say anything, and they couldn't catch it even if they were ashamed. A gentleman's name must be something that can be said, and what he says must be feasible. A gentleman must be unscrupulous in his words. If you can talk to someone but don't talk to them, you will lose the person; if you can't talk to them, you will lose your words. He who knows does not lose people, nor does he lose words. If it is not mentioned, it is called impatient; if it is mentioned but not mentioned, it is hidden; if the color is not seen, it is called blindness. If you like benevolence but don't learn, you will be a fool; if you like knowledge but don't learn, you will be a fool; if you like faith but don't learn, you will be a thief; if you like straightforwardness but don't learn, then you will be blind; if you are brave but don't learn, then the cover will be chaotic. If you are stubborn and don't learn well, you will be blind and crazy. Being respectful but rude will lead to fatigue, being cautious but rude will lead to arrogance, being brave but rude will lead to chaos, being straight but rude will lead to strangulation. To serve the king, respect his duties and then his food. For the purpose of etiquette, harmony is the most precious thing. Acting with interests in mind will lead to more resentment. Confucius on learning: To know is to know, and to know is not to know, which is knowledge. If I am the author without knowing it, then I am not the author. If you hear a lot, choose the good ones and follow them; if you see a lot, you will recognize them. If you are holy, I can't do it. I am never tired of learning and never tired of teaching. If you don't learn enough, you are afraid of losing it. He is sensitive and eager to learn, and he is not ashamed to ask questions. Use the able to ask questions about the incompetent, and use the many to ask the few; if there is something there, if it is not, if it is true, it will be false. If you make mistakes, you will not correct them. Prosperous in poetry and established in etiquette. Be happy. Aspire to the Tao, base on virtue, rely on benevolence, and wander in art. If you are not angry, you will not be enlightened; if you are not angry, you will not be angry. If you take one corner and don't turn it back with three, there will be no recovery. Those who know are not as good as those who are good at it, and those who are good at it are not as good as those who are happy. I don't eat all day long, and don't sleep all night long, thinking about it, it's useless, it's not as good as learning. If you learn without thinking, you will be in vain; if you think without learning, you will be in danger. Those who are evil must be inspected; those who are good must be inspected. Isn’t it true that one should learn and practice it from time to time? If you review the past and learn the new, you can become a teacher.

The sun knows where he is dead, and the moon has not forgotten what he can do. He is said to be eager to learn. If you don’t learn poetry, you won’t be able to express it. Poetry can be exciting, watchable, group, and resentful. Those who are near serve the father, and those who are far away serve the king; they are more familiar with the names of birds, beasts, grass and trees. Human beings have no permanence and cannot be witch doctors. There is no distinction between education and distinction. If I can restrain myself above all else, I will not be without teachings. Political motto: Politicians are upright and their commanders are upright. Who dares to be unjust? If you raise the straight and wrong, you will be convinced; if you raise the straight and wrong, you will not accept it. Why do you need to kill for the sake of government? The son wants to be good and the people will be good. The virtue of a gentleman is like the grass of a villain, and the wind on the grass will die. The descendants do not seek Xia, the barbarians do not invade China, the captives do not make alliances, and the troops do not force the enemy to do well. The way is based on government, the order is based on punishment, and the people are exempted from corruption; the way is based on virtue, the order is based on etiquette, and there is shame and dignity. If you give a good gift, no one dares to be disrespectful; if you give a good righteousness, no one dares to be disobedient; if you give a good letter, no one dares to be disrespectful. Be cautious in the end, chase far away, and the people's morality will be strong. Killing someone without teaching is called cruelty; not being disciplined is called violence; being slow to follow orders is called a thief; just like dealing with others, being stingy as a cashier is called having trouble. To govern with virtue is like Beichen, who lives in his place and is surrounded by stars. If you keep your body straight, what's the point of being in politics? If you can't rectify yourself, how can you rectify others? A country with a thousand chariots, respecting things and being trustworthy, being frugal and loving others, so that the people can take care of themselves. When you go out, you feel like you are seeing a distinguished guest, and the people feel like you are receiving a great sacrifice. If a worker wants to do his job well, he must first sharpen his tools. Those who live in this country, serve its officials as wise people, and make friends with its scholars as benevolent people. The people are satisfied, who is the ruler? If the people are not enough, which king will be enough? A gentleman's conduct is based on propriety. To give, take the thickest; to do things, to lift them; to collect, take the thinnest. A king should be kind but not arrogant, work without resentment, desire without being greedy, be peaceful without being arrogant, and be mighty without being fierce. ... If we benefit the people because they are in their best interest, isn’t this also benefiting them without any expense? If you choose something you can do and work hard, who will complain? If you desire benevolence and gain benevolence, how can you be greedy? A gentleman has no crowd, no big or small, and no arrogance. Isn't this peaceful and not arrogant? When a gentleman straightens his clothes and respects his gaze, he makes people look at him and fear him. Isn't this powerful but not fierce? Civil and military policies are based on strategic policies. As long as the person survives, the government will flourish; if the person dies, the government will cease. ....So government depends on people. The king and his ministers are courteous. Ministers serve the king with loyalty. Zilu asked Mr. Shi. Zi Ri: "Don't bully others and then offend them." If his body is upright, he will not do what he is told; if his body is not upright, he will not do what he is told. To not teach the people to fight is to abandon them. Knowing it, benevolence cannot keep it. Even if you gain it, you will lose it. If you know it well, you can protect it with benevolence. If you don't show respect to it, you will be disrespectful. If you know it, you can guard it with benevolence, and you can handle it with care, but if you don't move it with courtesy, it's not good. How to make people respect and be loyal and persuade them? Confucius said: "If you approach a person with a villa, you will be respectful. If you are filial and kind, you will be loyal. If you do good deeds and you cannot teach them, then you will encourage them."

If you are not generous when you are on top, if you are disrespectful because of etiquette, if you are not mourning when you are in mourning, why should I observe it?