I don't know which celebrity once said, "Self-confidence is half the battle." I think this sentence is very good. Confidence is half the battle. Isn't it? Faced with one turning point and fork in the road in life after another, it is hard to say that you are not confident. Nearby, I once scratched my head for a math problem and tried to give up several times, but my ear echoed with the famous saying "self-confidence is half the battle" that once made me stand up again on the road of inferiority. Believe in yourself, you can do it. When I finally overcome the difficulties, I was filled with joy and understood a truth: in the face of difficulties in life, if I say to myself, "Forget it, it won't happen anyway." If you lose confidence in yourself, indulging yourself in this way is the real failure. This is the weak. If you think "I can do it", the result will be very different. We must remember that people should have confidence in the world. No matter whether you succeed or fail in the end, you will do well as long as you work hard. I have always admired those creative writers and poets, and I envy those literati who are eloquent. However, they don't care about the sales of their works, but firmly believe that gold will shine sooner or later.
I began to strive for perfection, to be happy, to change myself and to have enough confidence in myself. Turns out I'm great, too. In fact, I know that self-confidence is branded with inferiority. But I finally found the confidence I lost for a long time through hard work.
People! Just live once, of course, but also live smartly, freely and confidently.