It is the simple dialectical thought of "man's determination conquers nature" embodied in the "Book of Songs" first proposed by Yin Jifu, the ancestor of Chinese poetry. The voice of a thinker can never be the opinion of a miscellaneous scholar. "Chengmin" is signed by the author Yin Jifu. Although the other chapters are unsigned, from an ideological point of view, they are written by one person. In the Zhou Dynasty, King Wu conquered Zhou and became the emperor. Success and Kang succeeded him. They were all the guardians of the order. There are also Zhou Gong, Zhao Gong, Bi Gong, Shi Yi and other virtuous ministers assisting the government. They are really civilized and martial, and the things and the people are safe. From the time when the king of Wu passed on to the king of Yi, the ceremony was unclear, and the princes gradually became stronger. In the ninth century, King Li was cruel and cruel and was killed by his countrymen. This was the beginning of thousands of years of civil strife. After losing the Zhou Dynasty, he summoned the two princes to work together and established Prince Jing as king, who was named King Xuan. The emperor at that time was wise and wise. He appointed virtuous ministers Fang Shu, Zhao Hu, Yin Jifu, Shen Bo, Zhong Shanfu, etc. to restore the government of Wen, Wu, Cheng, and Kang, and the Zhou Dynasty was revived. King Xuan of Zhou returned from his stay in Taiyuan and entered the city overnight. Suddenly he heard dozens of children in the market. He clapped his hands and composed a song: "The moon is about to rise, the sun is about to set, the mulberry trees are arcing and the dust is blooming. The Zhou Kingdom is almost destroyed." Early the next morning, the king asked the Duke and the Six Ministers, how to explain this sentence? Taishi said: "Every word that has no roots in the market is called a rumor. A small one may bring bad luck to a person, and a big one may affect the success or failure of the country." King Xuan ordered the doctor Du Bo to investigate the matter. After a long time no response, the king summoned Du Bo. When asked about this matter, Du Bo said: "My personal visit to this matter has no impact. Those who spread the rumors are guilty. The nursery rhymes have been verified. I am afraid that if the search continues, it will definitely alarm the people of the country, so I stopped." King Xuan said angrily: "Since So, why don't you understand the report? It's obvious that you are neglecting my order and acting freely. What's the use of such an unfaithful minister?" He shouted to the warriors: "Take him out of the imperial court. Behead him in public." Zuo Ru, the minister, stopped him quickly and said, "Du Bo is not guilty of killing him. If the king kills him, the world will think that the king is unknown. If the minister cannot remonstrate with him, the world will blame him." I am unfaithful. If my king must kill Du Bo, both the minister and Du Bo will die." King Xuan was still angry and said: "I will kill Du Bo just like killing grass. Why bother to kill him quickly?" The warriors pushed Du Bo out of the palace gate and beheaded him. Zuo Ru returned home, angrily committed suicide and died. The next day, King Xuan heard that Zuo Ru had committed suicide, and he also regretted killing Du Bo, so he entered the palace in depression. He couldn't sleep at night, so he suffered from a trance. He forgot about many things regardless of what he said, and he stopped going to court every day. In the autumn and July of the forty-sixth year of King Xuan's reign, the king's body was slightly healthy. I want to go out for a hunting trip in the countryside to refresh my mind. Orders were conveyed to the left and right, Sikong prepared the driving force, Sima warned chariots and disciples, and Taishi divined auspicious days. When they arrived at the Jade Chariot, there were Yin Jifu on the right and Zhao Hu on the left. They were facing each other with banners and armor, and they all marched towards the eastern suburbs. The eastern suburbs are plains, wilderness, and lush vegetation. They were originally places for hunting. The king and his ministers hunted together and caught many birds and animals. The sun has set in the west. I sent orders to disperse and return in triumph. During the march, King Xuan took a look at the jade chariot. Suddenly he saw Du Bo and Zuo Ru blocking the carriage. Come to avenge your grievances and return my life." Before he finished speaking, he picked up his red bow, mounted a red arrow, and looked at King Xuan's heart to shoot it. King Xuan screamed and fainted on the jade chariot. Mr. Yin was so panicked that his legs were numb and Mr. Zhao's eyes were twitching. The same group of civil and military ministers escorted him back to the palace for first aid. King Xuan was hunting in the eastern suburbs and met the ghosts of Du Bo and Zuo Ru, who were demanding their lives. He returned to the palace sick and saw the two of them when he closed his eyes. He knew he could not afford it and refused to take medicine. After three days, the condition got worse. At that time, Zhou Gong had grown old and Zhongshanfu had died. He summoned the old ministers Yin Jifu and Hu Tuogu. The two ministers came to the bedside and paid their respects. King Xuan ordered his servants to help him up, and he leaned on the embroidered mattress. He said to the two ministers, "I relied on the efforts of all the ministers. I reigned for forty-six years, fought in the south and in the north, and the world was peaceful. Unexpectedly, I fell ill. The prince passed away. Although he is old, his nature is quite ambiguous. Ji and others are trying their best to help, but they should not do anything for the world." The two ministers accepted the order. It was the night when the king died, and Empress Jiang drafted a decree. Zhao Gu Ming's veterans Yin Jifu and Zhao Hu led a hundred officials to help the crown prince enter the palace and perform the funeral ceremony. He was named Youwang in front of the throne.
Yin Jifu said: "Man's determination is also better than nature's". This is a wise saying. But since the way of heaven has changed, human affairs should be redoubled and modified, and they should work hard to restore them. If it is just ordinary and often confused, it will be natural. We can no longer conquer Heaven. After King You succeeded to the throne, Yin Jifu repeatedly offered advice, but King You refused to adopt it, and failed to select a few good men to occupy the positions of the Three Gongs and the Sixth Prince. How can we expect to conquer Heaven?