2. A five-fingered hand has 14 knots, and a * * * hand has 28 knots, which means that the 28 stars in the sky are under your control. Therefore, people should conform to nature, to meet the needs of nature, rather than let nature take its course.
China people are the only people in the world who speak with yin and yang. For example, whether it is "not to judge heroes by success or failure" or "the winner is king and the loser is the enemy"; It is said that "people's hearts are connected" and that "people's hearts are different, and each has its own face"; Both "comity first" and "due diligence".
4. Modern subject education divides education into pieces, and only knowledge has no wisdom.
5. The reason why China is called "Zhong" refers to Zhong Dao and Tai Chi. Tai Chi is the source of all things. Therefore, Confucius said, "My Tao is consistent", and the "one" in it refers to Tai Chi. The "benevolence" proposed by Confucius is also yin and yang, the "qi" on the left is yang, and the "two" on the right is yin.