Faith: keeping one’s word; fruit: results. You must keep your word when you say it, and you must do what you do without procrastination.
Original text
"The Analects of Confucius·Zilu No. 13" Zigong asked: "How can such a person be called a scholar?" , It can be said that it is the best." He said: "If you dare to ask, what is the next step? He said: "What is wrong with those who are in power today?"
①Shameful: Confucius said: "Those who are shameful will not do anything. ②硁硁(kēng): superficial and stubborn. ③A person who fights with bamboos (shāo):" Refers to a person with a narrow mind. Dou, an ancient name for measurement; Shao, a bamboo basket with a small capacity; Dou and Shao are metaphors for a small measurement. The so-called "gentleman" and "villain" are actually two concepts with multiple meanings. At first it referred to grade, and later to grade. "Junzi" actually means "son of the king". The king can be the king of the country or the king of the family. According to the patriarchal system, only the legitimate son, or even the eldest son, can become the "king". A king's son is a "junzi". "Jun" and "Junzi" (Jun's son) belong to the "direct lineage", so they are also called "direct lineage" and "dazong". Those who are not "direct descendants" are called "Xiao Zong". "Dazong" is a king, and his son is a "junzi"; "Xiaozong" is a minister, and his son is a "little person". Therefore, the villain is not a bad person, but a "person from a small sect" with a lower social status. This is level. What Confucius meant was: Be true to your words and be resolute in your deeds. This truth is so common that even children know it. A stubborn person cannot be called a gentleman, but can only be called an ordinary person. Wise people only do the smartest, not the "rightest" thing.
Zigong asked: "How can one be called a scholar?" Confucius said: "I have a sense of shame when doing things, and when I go to foreign countries as ambassadors, I can accomplish them." The mission entrusted by the monarch can be called a scholar. "Zigong said: "What about the second-class man?" Confucius said: "The people in the clan praise him for being filial to his parents, and the villagers say he respects his elder brother." Zigong asked again: "Excuse me, what about those who are once again first-class?" Confucius said: "You must do what you say, stick to what you do, and stick to your own opinions regardless of right and wrong. That is a villain. But it can also be said that you are once again first-class." Zigong said: "What do you think of the current rulers?" Confucius said: "Alas! How can we count these small-minded people?" Zigong asked: "What kind of people can be used for great things?" Confucius said: "A person who can do things he hates and can complete the tasks assigned to him no matter where he is is of great use.
Zigong asked again: "Is there anyone who is a little worse who can be entrusted with important tasks?" Confucius said: "Those who are truly filial and well-connected can be entrusted with important responsibilities." Zigong asked again: "Are there any worse candidates?" Confucius replied: "If you say something, you must implement it. If you do something, you must complete it. People who stubbornly insist on their own way can sometimes be used." What about species? Confucius replied: "Like ordinary people, how can they be counted among the three types of people I mentioned earlier?" ”