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Kind English proverbs Kind English proverbs

It's better to be kind English proverbs

It's better to be kind English proverbs about kindness, bravery and integrity

All things are difficult before they are easy. Nothing is impossible to a willing heart. Nothing is impossible to a willing heart. Where there is life, there is hope. Where there is life, there is hope. I feel strongly that I can make it. I firmly believe that I can succeed. Better to light one candle than to curse the darkness. Better to light one candle than to curse the darkness. The shortest answer is doing. The shortest answer is doing. where there is risk, there is hope.----Tacitus (Where there is risk, there is hope) One should be sturdy in hard times, and prudent in Chuappy days. Be strong in hard times, and prudent in happy days. Be careful. A man can be destroyed, but not defeated. Ren can be destroyed, but not defeated. Commonly used phrases and famous sayings in Latin

Jus est ars boni et aequi: "Law is the art of kindness and justice." Nec hostium timete, nec amicum reusate: "Don't be afraid of your enemies, and don't reject your friends. ." VENI VIDI VICI: "I come, I see, I conquer." - Julius Caesar Fortiter in rē, suāviter in modō: "Be firm in action and gentle in attitude." Sī vīs pācem, parā. bellum.: "If you want peace, prepare first for war." - Flavius ??Vegetius Renatus Nil desperandum: "Never despair." Nemo me impune lacessit: "No one can bully me. Impunity." Tempus fugit: "The sky is like an arrow." (Corresponding to English: Time Flies) - Wei Gil Vox populi, vox Dei: "The will of the people is the will of God." Salus populi suprema lex esto: "The interests of the people. Above all else." (Literal translation: The interests of the people are the highest law) - Virgil Non sibi, sed omnibus: "Not for myself, but for everyone" cōgitō ergō sum: "I think, therefore I am." - -Descartes annus mirabilis: "A year of miracles" or "an astonishing year." - From the British poet Dryden's poem commemorating the Great Fire of London in 1666 annus horribilis: "A terrible year." "Or "a troubled year." - Queen Elizabeth II of England called 1992 E pluribus unum: "Out of many, one." - Qui tacet consentit, one of the mottos on the U.S. national emblem: "Silence. That is, "Carpe diem" - from Horace Unus pro omnibus, omnes pro uno: "One for all, all for one" (corresponding to English: One for all, all. for one)——Russian national motto, Alexandre Dumas's motto Veritas: "Truth."——Harvard University motto Mens et Manus: "Use both hands and brain."——MIT motto Dei sub numine viget: "Let." She prospers in the name of God." -Princeton University motto Lux et veritas: "Light and knowledge. "——Yale University motto Novus ordo seclorum: "The new order of the times. ——Yale Business School motto Tempus omnia revelat: "Time will reveal everything." "Hinc lucem et pocula sacra: "This is the place of enlightenment and the source of knowledge.

——Cambridge University motto Dominus Illuminatio Mea: "Zhu illuminates me." "——Sapientia Et Virtus, motto of Oxford University: "Wisdom and virtue (literal translation)" (The official Chinese motto is "Mingde Gewu", which comes from "University".) - Via Veritas Vita, motto of Hong Kong University: " Method, truth, life. " - Rumored to be Jesus Christ, what are the methods of learning English at the University of Glasgow?

? English itself is a language, and its ultimate purpose is to be able to use it to have smooth interactions with others. communication, so the best way to learn English well is to learn through continuous conversation practice, especially in adults learning English. Think carefully about how we learned Mandarin well when we were children. , in fact, you learn it slowly through long-term conversation practice, because during the process of conversation practice, you can accumulate vocabulary, master sentence patterns, and become familiar with the way of expressing thoughts in English, focusing on cultivating your sense of language, so that you can You have the conditions to learn English well. Although there is a lack of environment for learning English in China, you can practice it by watching American TV series or going to English corners. I learned it online: [] Of course, the basic skills are also very good. Important. If you want to have a solid foundation in basic skills, you must listen carefully, teach every class well, improve classroom efficiency, and do the following "five points" step by step. 1. Only start from the simple , it is easy to get started, it is easy to generate "interest", and it is easy to carry on with things. 2. Don't be too eager to learn English, because only with "quantity" can you make a "qualitative" leap. 3. English has. The proverb "Repetition? is? the? mother? of? skills (repetition is the mother of skills)" 4. Language is an identity symbol formed by people over a long period of practice, and its application can be "ruled". . If you want to learn English well, you need to adopt a "quick fix" strategy to find the motivation and interest to learn and persevere to the end.

* Tags: Proverbs? Kindness? Previous article in English: Sentences for scolding mother-in-law for not having grandchildren. Sentences for scolding mother-in-law for not using dirty words. Next article: The idiom "tug of war, hit one". What is the idiom "tug of war, hit one"