The Bible is inspired by God and is a classic of Judaism and Christianity. So what are some inspirational quotes in the Bible? Below are the inspirational quotes from the Bible that I have compiled for your reference!
Selected inspirational quotes from the Bible
1. Be like a tree planted by a stream of water, which bears fruit in due season. , the leaves will not wither. -- "Old Poems"
2. Foolish people acquire ignorance as their inheritance. The prudent man is crowned with knowledge. -- "Old Proverbs"
3. A fool will kill himself if he apostates, and a fool will harm his life if he is comfortable. -- "Old Proverbs"
4. Those who gather in summer are the sons of wisdom. He who sleeps at harvest time is the son of shame. -- "Old Proverbs"
5. He who pursues justice and mercy will find life, righteousness and honor. "Old Testament? Proverbs"
6. The righteous enjoy prosperity and the city rejoices, but the wicked perish and everyone rejoices. -- "Old Proverbs"
7. The elderly speak first. Those who live long should teach others with wisdom. -- "Old Uncle"
8. Pride precedes destruction, and arrogance precedes a fall. -- "Old Proverbs"
9. When a man falls, don't you stretch out your hand? When in disaster, don't you ask for help? -- "Old Uncle"
10. He who keeps his mouth shut, To save life. He who opens his mouth wide will be ruined. -- "Old Proverbs"
11. Kindness and honesty meet each other. Righteousness and peace love each other. -- "Old Poetry"
12. It is unkind to punish a righteous person, and it is unjust to punish a gentleman. -- "Old Proverbs"
13. The ears test the words, just as the mouth tastes the food. -- "Jiu Bo"
14. There is a time for everything, and there is a time for everything in the world. A time to be born, and a time to die; a time to plant, and a time to pluck up what is planted; a time to kill, and a time to heal; a time to tear down, and a time to build; a time to weep, a time to mourn, and a time to dance; a time to throw stones, and a time to heap stones; a time to embrace, There is a time not to embrace; a time to look for, a time to lose; a time to keep, and a time to abandon. "Old Testament? Ecclesiastes"
15. Those who do evil will be cut off. -- "Old Poems"
Classic inspirational quotes from the Bible
1. How can cattail grow long without mud? How can reed grow hair without water? -- "Jiu Bo"
2. The hard work of the righteous leads to life, and the progress of the wicked leads to death. -- "Old Proverbs"
3. Before corruption, people's hearts are filled with pride. Before honor, there must be humility. -- "Old Proverbs"
4. A wicked person borrows something without repaying it. But a righteous man is kind and gives alms. -- "Old Poetry"
5. In life, you will encounter adversity, just like the soaring sparks. "Old Testament? Book of Job"
6. Fools love folly, and scorners love scorn. -- "Old Proverbs"
7. Do not slander others with your tongue, do not treat your friends badly, and do not join in the slander of your neighbors. -- "Old Poems"
8. Those who persevere in righteousness will gain life; those who pursue evil will surely die. "Old Testament? Proverbs"
9. There are seven things that the heart hates: haughty eyes, a lying tongue, hands that shed innocent blood, a heart that plots evil, and a flying heart. Feet that work evil, and false witnesses that tell lies, and one that sows discord among brothers. -- "Old Proverbs" -
10. Children and grandchildren are the crown of the elderly, and a father is the glory of his children. -- "Old Proverbs"
11. Whatever happens to people in the world, happens to animals too, and they are all the same; how this one dies, how that one dies, and the breath is the same. Humans cannot be stronger than beasts, they are all in vain. All return to one place, all came from dust, and all return to dust. "Old Testament? Ecclesiastes"
12. He who loves discipline loves knowledge. -- "Old Proverbs"
13. People who are noble but do not wake up are like dead animals. -- "Old Poems"
14. Ignorant people take pleasure in foolishness. A wise man walks with integrity. -- "Old Proverbs"
15. The water stolen is sweet, and the bread eaten in secret is good. -- "Old Proverbs"
Recommended inspirational quotes from the Bible
1. Peace of mind is the life of ròu tǐ, jealousy is the decay in the bones. "Old Testament? Proverbs"
2. A kind person treats himself kindly. Cruel people harm themselves. -- "Old Proverbs"
3. Do not follow the counsel of the wicked, do not stand in the way of sinners, do not sit in the seat of scorners. -- "Old Poems"
4. If there are many counselors, the plans will come true. -- "Old Proverbs"
5. Those who keep their sincere orders will save their lives; those who neglect their own way will surely die. "Old Testament? Proverbs"
6. The glory of an emperor depends on a large number of people, but the decline of a king depends on a small number of people. -- "Old Proverbs"
7. My soul is troubled and I want to speak out.
My heart is troubled and I want to express my sorrow. -- "Jiu Bo"
8. If you abandon evil and do good, you can live in peace forever. -- "Old Poems"
9. If a person loves life and wants to enjoy good blessings, he must restrain his tongue from speaking evil and his lips from speaking deceitful words; he must also turn away from evil and do good, seek peace, and wholeheartedly catch up. "New Testament? 1 Peter"
10. The mouth of the righteous speaks wisdom, and his tongue speaks justice. -- "Old Poems"
11. It is better to meet a she-bear who has lost her cubs than a fool who is doing foolish things. -- "Old Proverbs"
12. The little that a righteous man has is better than the abundance of many wicked people. -- "Old Poems"
13. A fool opens his mouth to start a dispute, and opens his mouth to be whipped. -- "Old Proverbs"
14. When low-class people rise in the world, there will be evil people everywhere. -- "Old Poems"
15. Behold, the oppressed weep, and there is no one to comfort them; their oppressors are powerful, and there is no one to comfort them. Therefore, I praise the dead who are long dead more than the living who are still alive. And I consider that he who has not been born, who has not seen evil under the sun, is greater than both. "Old Testament? Ecclesiastes"
16. A fool believes everything he says, but a wise man is cautious in everything. -- "Old Proverbs"
17. He who gets angry easily acts foolishly. He who devises deceit is hated. -- "Old Proverbs"
18. Whoever desires to live, to live long, and to enjoy good blessings, must keep his tongue from speaking evil, and his lips from speaking deceit. -- "Old Poems"
19. He who keeps his mouth shut will save his life; he who opens his mouth wide will be destroyed. "Old Testament? Proverbs"
20. A king cannot win with more troops. A brave man cannot be saved by his strength.
--"Old Poems"