Mourning the victims of Wenchuan earthquake, the gloomy clouds in the sky hold people's fragile hearts. It was a disaster, and my ears were full of cries for help. The rushing river on the ground doesn't sing. It's a disaster, and prosperity has become an empty shell. It was God who wrote this song to keep the earth busy. This is a disaster that has crushed thousands of people. Light a white candle, maybe it doesn't make the children cry. This is a disaster. How many people, women and children were killed? You and I are both from China. We have the same kindness and truth. This is a disaster. We need you and me. Volunteers and the People's Liberation Army dug up the buried people and delivered water to them. This is a disaster, which shows us who is the real hero. There was a sea of people in front of the donation box, and assistance followed. This is a disaster. Let's write the great love of life together. Attached is the original anti-disaster poem Kawano. Sichuan wild state-owned ruin, Wan Li Shu desolate, China earthquake hurt the whole country. It is difficult for one party to help earthquake relief in all directions, but it is still on the battlefield. After years of hardships in the Olympic Games, pray for me that China can fly in the boundless sky after his death! Chuanye lost his country, Wan Li was desolate, China earthquake was full of injuries, and broken walls. The earthquake relief party is in trouble and still on the battlefield. After years of Olympic hardships, pray for me to hold hands in the foggy sky and let me soar! We are with you in Zhuhai. At this moment, our tears are moving towards a place called Wenchuan. A violent shaking tore our chest, and uncontrollable tears flooded China's face. How many relatives? At the moment when the earth shook, the flesh and blood were separated, and many children were destroyed. From the moment I was rescued, I became an orphan and lost my parents. How many fresh lives are struggling under the ruins, longing for the last hope of survival. When I saved my life, I didn't wait for anyone. The Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, the State Council has set the general headquarters of strategic planning in the front line of earthquake relief! Forward! Forward! Access, electricity and communication, my dear 100,000 comrades-in-arms, from the air, waterways, mountain roads and running all the way, where life is most needed, you have cut through the road of survival and planted the banner of life. At this moment, we will call for the most vital force in the disaster area with sadness. You are on the verge of death. Every minute, we are launching a general attack to save lives. They are all fighting face to face with death. Every minute of struggle is to find the strength of the heartbeat of loved ones. My parents are insisting, my children are insisting, and our relatives under the ruins have 654.38+03 billion hands reaching out to you. I must pull you out of the clutches of death. Don't cry. Children When grandparents told you this sentence, all parents in China were by your side. You are our child. A sudden disaster can't take away the happy children in your life. Learn to be strong. Don't be afraid, old man. Your child is gone, and we are reunited with the joy of the past by your side. We are filial to you and continue to be happy for you. Hometown folks, sisters and brothers in the disaster area are coming! Close to our shoulders and look into the distance together, even if the wings of life are heavy, at this moment when you must fly to the sun, China, a family, gathered all the forces of love and marched into Bashu, Wenchuan and all the disaster areas. Give your love, my friend, and add a tent, even a bowl of instant noodles and a bottle of mineral water, and give your love to your relatives who are sleeping in the wind. My colleagues are hungry orphans. Add a bottle, gloves and shovel to clean up the ruins and give your love. Comrades add a desk with unharmed life to the children who lost their campus, send much-needed medicine and give your love. Compatriots at home and abroad share weal and woe and support the disaster area in all directions. Is to support ourselves, because we are the closest and closest people to the disaster area. Come on, the disaster area needs us. We are the motherland behind the people in the disaster areas. Today's China is a powerful China, and its strength lies in the cohesion of people's hearts and high morale. This is the Great Wall built by the love of hundreds of millions of people. It will never be shaken, pushed down or smashed. Come on, have money to pay, work hard to be strong, and let the warm current of love heal the wounds of the earth. Come on, pay for it. Try to let the true feelings of love wipe away the tears of life. Love appears at this moment. No reason is needed. There is no reason because we are in the same spring. No matter how big the storm is, all the sunshine disasters will eventually pass and meet us. It must be a comprehensive victory in earthquake relief.
Hope to adopt