The gentleman said: You can't learn. Green, take it from blue and green is blue; Ice, water is colder than water. The wood is straight in the rope, and it is thought to be a wheel, and its curve is in the gauge; Although there is a crisis, those who no longer stand up will make it happen. Therefore, the wood is straight by the rope, the gold is sharp and beneficial, and the gentleman is knowledgeable and saves himself every day, so he knows clearly and does nothing wrong.
I think all day long, so it's better to learn in an instant. I've tasted it and looked forward to it. It's better to climb the mountain and see it. Climb high and recruit, the arm is not lengthened, but the person who sees it is far away; Call with the wind, the sound is not added to the disease, but the listener is obvious. Those who cheat on horses are not good enough, but cause thousands of miles; He who pretends to be a boat can't swim, but he can't swim. A gentleman's life is not different, and good is false in things.
the accumulation of soil makes mountains, and the wind and rain flourish; Little drops of water make an ocean, the dragon is born; Accumulate goodness into virtue, while the gods are complacent and the sacred heart is prepared. Therefore, if you don't accumulate steps, you won't be able to travel thousands of miles; If you don't accumulate small streams, you can't make rivers and seas. Leap, not ten steps; It's a great contribution to the success of Xu Ma. Perseverance, rotten wood does not fold; Perseverance, the stone can be carved. Earthworms have no advantage of minions, and their bones and muscles are strong. They eat the earth and drink the yellow earth, and they are also attentive. The crab kneels six times and pinches two times. It is not the snake's hole that has no sustenance, but it is also impetuous.
Teacher said
Han Yu
Ancient scholars must have teachers. Teacher, so preach and accept the industry to solve doubts. People are not born knowing, who can be without doubt? If you are confused and don't follow the teacher, it will be confusing, and you will never understand it. Before I was born, I learned the Tao before I was born, so I learned from it. After I was born, I learned the Tao first, so I learned from it. I'm a teacher, and I don't know that my years were born in me. Therefore, there is nothing expensive or cheap, nothing long or little, and the existence of Tao and the existence of teachers also exist.
hehe! It's been a long time since the teacher's way was passed down! It's hard to be confused! The ancient sage, who is also far away, is still asking questions from the teacher; Today's people are far from being saints, and they are ashamed to learn from their teachers. Therefore, the sage is beneficial to the sage, and the fool is beneficial to the fool; The reason why saints are holy and fools are stupid is that! Love your son, choose a teacher and teach him. If you are in his body, you will be ashamed of your teacher and confused! The boy's teacher, who teaches the book and learns its sentences, is not what I call a person who tells his story and solves his confusion. I don't know, I don't understand, I don't know, I don't know, I don't know, I don't know, I don't know. Witch doctors and musicians are not ashamed to learn from each other; Scholar-officials' families, who call their teachers disciples Yun, get together and laugh. When asked, he said, "He is similar to that year, and his way is similar. Being humble is shameful, and being official is close. " Whoo! The teacher's way is unknown. Witch doctors and musicians are skilled workers, and a gentleman is contemptuous. Today, its wisdom is beyond its reach, and it is strange and embarrassing!
saints are impermanent teachers. Confucius studied with Tanzi, Changhong, Shi Xiang and Lao Dan. The disciples of the scorpion are not as wise as Confucius. Confucius said, "If you have three friends, you must have a teacher." Therefore, a disciple need not be inferior to a teacher, and a teacher need not be superior to a disciple. There is a sequence of knowledge, and there is a specialization in the art, that's all.
Li Zipan, seventeen years old, is good at ancient Chinese prose and six arts classics, all of which are well-known in Xi Zhi, regardless of the time, and he learns from spare time. Yu Jiaqi can walk the ancient road and write "Shi Shuo" to make it last.