Zheng Zhi, a scholar, learned to cover. After three years of success, it was a drought. It was useless to cover, but he abandoned it and learned to make oranges. After three years of success, it rained cats and dogs, and oranges were useless, but they were still covered. It was stolen a few days later, and the people changed their uniforms, which were rarely used to cover them. I want to learn to be a soldier, and I am old.
The better farmers are, the more they dig fields and plant rice, and they have been damaged by waterlogging for three years. People say that planting millet should be drained. That's right, it's still old. It was a severe drought. Even when I was three years old, I was sorry if I got it, but I won if I got it.
Therefore, as the saying goes, "drought is the boat, and heat is the fur." Famous words in the world! "
There was a countryman in Zheng who learned to make rain gear for three years, but it was useless when there was a drought, so he gave up learning to make tools and helped people carry water by the well. It rained heavily after three years of useless study. So he went back and redone the rain gear. Soon thieves began to rise, people wore military uniforms, and few people used rain gear. He wants to learn to make weapons, but he is too old to do it.
In Vietnam, there was a man who was good at agriculture. He reclaimed land to grow rice, but it was flooded for three years. Everyone said that they would plant millet after drainage, but they didn't listen and did it for two years. He calculated the harvest, made up for the previous poor harvest, and still had a surplus. So he said, "In dry weather, prepare a boat, and in hot weather, sew a leather coat. This is a famous saying in the world.
Be careful not to get lost ~