French Quotes in French Writing
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It is difficult not to be too high It is estimated that I cannot enjoy the happiness. ? Stendhal
Happiness often consists in no longer doing what people think is an essential thing. Philippe Bouvard
A contemplative life is often unfortunate. People should act more and think less. ? Chamfort
Le bonheur, c'est ?tre heureux; ce n'est pas faire croire aux autres qu'on l'est. -- Jules Renard
Happiness is living Be happy; not let others think you are happy. ? Jules Renard
Comme l'homme vivrait heureux s'il s'occupait aussi peu des affaires d'autrui que des siennes! --Georg Christoph Lichtenberg
If How happy would people be if they paid less attention to other people's affairs than their own? Georg Christoph Lichtenberg;