The famous sayings about the virtues of filial piety and brotherhood are as follows:
1. The filial piety of a gentleman is to give advice with integrity; the filial piety of a scholar is to obey orders with virtue; the filial piety of a common man is to use strength to avoid food. Ren Shanda dare not submit to the three virtues.
2. Don’t dare to damage the body, hair, and skin of your parents, which is the beginning of filial piety. Establishing oneself and practicing the Way, making one's name known to future generations, to show one's parents, is the ultimate form of filial piety. Confucius
3. You should know that the kindness of parents is the deepest, and all Buddhas and saints will reward you with kindness. When people sincerely support the Buddha and practice filial piety diligently, the blessings of these two people will be the same, and the rewards they will receive in the three lives will be endless.
4. A filial son has a pure heart, a clean heart, and a clean world; a loyal minister has a healthy courage, a healthy heart, and a healthy family.
5. The nature of heaven and earth is that human beings are noble; no human behavior is greater than filial piety, and no filial piety is greater than a strict father.
Xiaoti is a Chinese word, the pinyin is xiào tì. Filial piety refers to repaying parents for their nurturing kindness; brotherhood refers to the friendship between brothers and sisters. Confucius attaches great importance to filial piety and brotherhood, and believes that filial piety and brotherhood are the foundation of life and learning. In short: Honor your parents, respect and care for your brothers and sisters.
Filial piety and brother-in-law lead to benevolence and open source of wealth. Youzi said: He is a man who is filial to his younger brother but likes to offend his superiors. This is rare; he who is not fond of offending his superiors but likes to cause trouble is rare. The six arts mentioned in the previous chapter. The first thing is the gift. The first sentence of "Book of Rites" is "Do not be disrespectful", which is the general outline of etiquette. Except for animals, all humans have respect, but it is just a subtle distinction.
If a person is respectful and respectful, he will be lucky, if his family is respectful, he will be prosperous, and if the state is respectful, he will be strong. If he is not respectful, he will be in chaos. "Book of Rites" says "do not be disrespectful", but there are also differences in priority. The closest relative, the respected person, the virtuous person will naturally come first. Parents must be respected, and they must be given priority and filial piety. Brothers and compatriots, who are born before me, will definitely be loyal to each other. This is a matter of course and cannot be slackened at all.
Then respect everything. Any infringement, insult, etc. shall not be done. Respecting parents and elder brothers is called "filial brother". Respecting everything is called practicing "benevolence". This is the consistent route of self-cultivation to a peaceful world, from beginning to end, first and last. Only when people know how to be respectful can they practice filial piety. Everyone has parents, and if they are polite to each other, they will naturally respect everyone and practice benevolence in general.
Since you practice filial piety, you know the principle of courtesy, and infringing on your superiors is an act of disrespect. People who are filial and respectful are deeply ashamed, and such things are rare. Anyone who fails to abide by family rules, disrupts social order, or violates state laws is not polite and benevolent, and is called chaos.
Since these matters are handled by managers at all levels, it is impossible for someone who is deeply ashamed to violate someone above them to cause trouble again. This is the fundamental method of public security.