Old people are like old people, and people are old; young people are like young people, and people are young.
It means:
This famous saying has been spread abroad and has become The essence of our country’s moral tradition recognized and appreciated by people around the world.
These words were spoken by Mencius to King Liang Hui when he visited Wei. Mencius advised King Hui of Liang to implement benevolent government, but King Hui of Liang felt that he could not do it. Mencius used metaphors to distinguish the so-called "cannot" and "not do" situations.
Mencius then stated that the basic requirements of kingly and benevolent government are: "Old people, I am old, and people are old; young people, I am young, and people are young." He also said that if all politics meets this requirement , to unify the world is as easy as turning an object in the palm of your hand.
In the first and second half of this famous saying, the first word is used as a verb: respect my elders; care for my children, which can be further extended to care for other people's children. -----The key lies in the word "和", which is promotion. Extend loving yourself to loving everything.
If you extend what you love to everyone else, wouldn’t the world be peaceful?