Farming in the south, lying on the mountains in the east, I have experienced many things in the world and people. Think about the past at leisure. He is the virtuous one, and I am the foolish one. Why fight? ——Guan Hanqing
In the affairs of the world, things that are inconvenient due to human circumstances can be changed and restored; things that are facilitated by human circumstances cannot be restored after changes. ——Wei Yuan
The insight into worldly matters is knowledge, and the understanding of human feelings is knowledge. Most middle-aged people are covered with moss by the secular life. The edges and corners may not be smoothed away, but they are not easily revealed to others.
Friendship is something that is easy to fall in love with at first sight, but the difficult thing is that there is only so much time to come. For true friends, after being apart for ten years, it feels like we just broke up yesterday when we met.