From "Hetalia" / link?url= Character
English: Alfred·F·Jones
Japanese: アルフレッド?F?ジョーンズ
Female name: Amy Lee Jones (エミリー?ジョーンズ)
Representing country: United States (U.S.A アメリカ)
Age: 19 years old
Height: 177cm
CV: Katsuyuki Konishi (CV: Iwamura Aiko/Shimizu Ryoko, Shimizu dubbed the young American in the radio drama "ドラマCD~プロローグ~" produced in 2008, and Iwamura dubbed the TV version) p>
Favorite food: burgers, cola, milkshakes and other fast food.
Character songs: 1. W.D.C-World Dancing (W.D.C.~World Dance) 2. Hamburger Street (Hamburg Street)
Quotation: "I am a hero~ ! "(I'm the hero~) "By the way, no objections will be accepted!"
Internet nicknames: Al, America, Blue Road (because Al loves eating burgers), HERO, KY (*)
Hope to adopt