Hello, the translation you want is as follows:
Confucius said that governing with virtue is like Beichen, who lives in his place and all the stars surround it.
The Confucius said, such as North Star for the government to Germany in its place while the stars of the.
Confucius said that the way is to regulate the government and punish the people without shame. The Tao is based on virtue and is equal to etiquette, which is shameful and dignified.
The Confucius said, Road to the politics solved by the people to avoid the shame punishment by means of virtue with propriety have shame and lattice
Confucius said that the poem can be summarized in three hundred and one words The Confucius said, 300 short poems called "The Thought of Justice"
The Confucius said, 300 short poems called "The Thought of Justice"
The Confucius said, look at the reason, look at the reason, and look at the place for the person. The Confucius said, depending on their view of it from the police so they Anren Yan Yan thin person thin Zai Zai
Confucius said that a gentleman is not inferior to the small when he is Zhou. The Confucius said, weeks rather than the villain than a gentleman rather than weeks
Confucius said that learning without thinking is in vain; thinking without learning is peril
The Confucius said, Learning without thought is labor lost thought without learning is perilous
Thank you! !