Benevolence is beautiful. If you don't choose benevolence, you won't know that those heartless people can't keep their promises for a long time, and you can't enjoy your strengths. Those who know benevolence can be good, those who know benevolence can be good, and those who are evil can be valuable. This is what people want and can't be obtained anywhere. Poverty and meanness are human evils. Without them, you can't get them, and you won't go .. A gentleman who has no food will violate benevolence and expect too much. If he goes from one place to another, he will be the man I have never seen before. If he is evil, he will be kind. If he is evil, he will be kind. If he can exert himself on benevolence for a day, I have never seen anyone who is weak. If he covers it up, he is guilty, which depends on his party. If he has seen it, he will know Ren!
After several exhortations from parents, the son refused to follow his own will, never obeyed, and worked hard.
If your parents are here, you must travel well if you don't travel far.
It is filial piety not to change his father's business for three years.
You must know your parents' age. One is happy and the other is afraid.
The ancients were speechless, ashamed and respectful.
It is rare to miss an appointment.
A gentleman talks but doesn't do it.
Virtue is not alone, there must be neighbors.
It is a shame to have many officers, but it is a shame to have many friends.