Linghu Chong thought that when he put down his sword, he withdrew from the world; but as we can say, wherever there are people, there are grievances, and the place where there is grievance is the world - there are big and small rivers and lakes: the two sides of the grievances are represented by the country. For the sake of bargaining chips, in a duel, "fighting for eternal karma" is a person who is not a big person in the world; among neighbors, jealousy turns into enemies, criticizing the mulberry tree, kicking the pot and smacking the stove, is a person who is a small person in the world. Dozens of feet of soft mortal world are woven with grudges and grudges, and you and I are both drifting in the rivers and lakes.
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When people are wandering in the world, it is difficult for them to take charge. So Xiao Li Feidao could only bid farewell to his lover Lin Shiyin and walk away to the end of the world. But are you at ease? Therefore, some people lamented: "I once whipped my horse because I was drunk, for fear that too much love would be a burden on my beauty." Therefore, Mingjiao teaches people to sing: How joyful is life, how painful is death. Have mercy on me, the world, there are so many sorrows. Therefore, in "Dragon", Abbot Xuanci confessed in public and was relieved with a smile...
But is escape the solution? Master Hongyi was wild and romantic when he was young, and later blamed himself for becoming a monk. However, he still wrote a couplet on the door of the nunnery: "If you don't remove the straw, you will always feel that the business in front of you is full; the door of the nunnery is always closed, don't forget that there are many suffering people in the world."… …The thoughts of great kindness and compassion can be seen at a glance.
When the water flows calmly, it is the rivers and lakes; when people are separated and together, it is the rivers and lakes; when the heart is calm and the mind is confused, it is also the rivers and lakes. The rivers and lakes are everywhere, and what I am asked for is just the belief of "having an iron shoulder to bear morality."