1. Confucius: Zhilan was born in a secluded forest, and it does not lose its fragrance because there is no one there; a gentleman cultivates morality and does not change his moral character because of poverty;
2. Confucius: Success is achieved without Said: Don't admonish for things that happen, don't blame for things that have gone by;
3. Confucius: If you don't travel far away when your parents are here, you will have a good way to travel;
4. Mencius: Therefore, heaven will give you a great responsibility. Human beings must first strain their minds, strain their muscles and bones, starve their skin, deplete their body, and mess up their actions. Therefore, if they are tempted to endure, they will benefit what they cannot do;
5. Mencius : The most important thing for people to know each other is to know each other; the most important thing for people to know each other is to understand each other.