The views on books in "Zhuangzi: The Way of Heaven" are quite interesting and I would like to share them with you.
"The most precious thing in the world is writing. Books are not just words, but words are precious. What is most precious about words is meaning, and meaning follows. What follows meaning cannot be conveyed in words, and Although the world is noble, it is not noble enough for me. Therefore, what can be seen is the form and color; what can be heard is the name and sound. People in the world think that form, form, and reputation are not enough to get that kind of feeling. If the person who knows does not speak, and the person who speaks does not know, how can the world recognize it?"
" The praise and praise that people in the world value are books. Books do not transcend words, but what is valuable about words is their meaning, and meaning has its origin. It is conveyed through words, but the world values ????it and spreads it in books. Although the world values ????it, I still think it is not worth valuing, because what it values ????is not really valued. Therefore, it can only be seen with eyes. What can be seen is form and color; what can be heard with ears is name and sound. Sadly, people in the world think that form, color, name, and sound are enough to obtain the true nature of things! Sound is really not enough to get the truth of things, but if you don’t tell what you know, and don’t know what you tell, how can people in the world understand this truth? ”
That makes sense! People in the world value books, but they actually value words. What values ??words is the meaning they convey. But the true meaning can only be understood but cannot be expressed in words. It is so wonderful that it is clear to the mind but cannot be expressed. The so-called inability of words to express the meaning and the powerlessness of language means that what can be said is only superficial, such as itching through a boot. We just touch the boot without touching the itch, and cannot read the speaker's true thoughts. So what is the use of the words we read?
Next, I gave an example by telling a story:
Duke Huan was studying in the hall. The wheel was flattened under the hall, and the vertebrae were chiseled up. He asked Duke Huan, "I dare to ask, what are you talking about?" The Duke said, "These are the words of a sage." He said, "What does the sage care about?" The Duke said. "He's dead." He said, "But the readers you read are as bad as the ancients!" Duke Huan said, "If I only study, how can I discuss it? If you have something to say, it's okay, but if you don't, you'll die." Bian said: "I also look at my affairs from the perspective of my affairs. If I turn the wheel slowly, it will be sweet but not firm, and if I am sick, I will be bitter but not enter. If it is not slow, it will be painful but it will not enter. If it is not slow, it will be in the heart. If it is obtained in the hand, it should be in the heart. It cannot be spoken in words, but it can be counted. In the meantime, the minister cannot be compared to the minister's son, and the minister's son cannot be treated by the minister, so the ancient people will die if they are seventy years old. However, the readers of the king will be the worst of the ancients. "Po is a husband!"
Qi Huangong was studying in the hall, and Lun Bian was cutting wheels downstairs. He put down his spine and chisel and went to the court and asked Qi Huangong, "I would like to ask, what do you think?" What is the book about?" Duke Huan of Qi said, "It is the words of a saint." Lun Bian asked, "Is the saint still alive?" Duke Huan of Qi said, "He is dead." Then the books that the king reads are all the dregs of the ancients!" Duke Huan of Qi said: "How can a man who makes a wheel dare to comment on a few people's books? "I have observed this principle in my work. When cutting a wheel, the movement is slow but not firm, and when the movement is fast, it is not slow but not fast." It is smooth and in line with the heart. Although it cannot be expressed in words, there is a skill in it. I cannot use it to make my son understand the mystery, and my son cannot accept this mysterious skill from me, so I live. At the age of seventy, I am still cutting wheels. The people of ancient times died together with their unspeakable principles, so the books the king reads are the dregs of the ancients!
This story! Here, Lao Tzu directly calls the book garbage, which is very surprising. Carpenter uses his own experience to tell us: the real secret cannot be expressed or passed on, and the real profound understanding can only be achieved by individuals. My own. Isn’t this the truth that Lao Tzu has always advocated: “The sound of great sounds is invisible to elephants”.
Wonderful! Wonderful! It’s a good place to have a big drink!
After thinking deeply, it is really difficult to express the extreme emotional meanings in life, just as people often say about grief: the pain that can be expressed is not called pain, and the real pain cannot be cried out. , let alone say it? Silence, perhaps only silence has the richest connotation.
Language is powerless! No wonder Zen Buddhism does not establish writing.
But the powerless language has turned into a vast sea of ??books. Is it really just a pile of dross? That would be such a waste of time, paper and energy. Everyone is so full that they have nothing to do. They are brainstorming and concocting some crap. Who is going to read it?
However, which of those celebrities in our history did not respect and practice reading. There are so many stories about reading and famous sayings that encourage people to read. Are they all wrong?
In fact, when we read, we should not read with great goals or ideal utilitarianism. We only regard it as a kind of nutrition for life. Just like books are calcium that the body needs and must be replenished. It will be useful if it is replenished. For example, by reading the Book of Songs, you can at least learn more about plants, trees, insects, and fish. Let’s not have to understand the subtle meaning.
Zhu Guangqian said this when talking about the meaning of life: To be honest, if there were no Grandma Liu described by Cao Xueqin, no Yan Gongsheng described by Wu Jingzi, and no Dardu described by Molière in this world, Fu and Albagon, life is not worth cherishing. I am grateful to Grandma Liu and Yan Gongsheng, first-class people, and even more than I am grateful to the tide in Qiantang and the waterfall in Kuanglu.
This is the meaning of books. It enriches people's lives, broadens their horizons, and allows some people to find crutches for survival. The strategy is roaring in the world, and the scenery is infinite!
Words are our bridge to all people, things and things. We can only read them on the bridge. To reach the other side, you need to constantly realize it in the process of life, or recall it through verbal reminders. Without life, there are no words, and words help people understand life and lead to a broader life. This is what books do.
As for whether you can understand the wonderful meaning of the speaker, because the wonderful meaning cannot be conveyed, readers should not be obsessed with understanding what they are saying, and just realize what it is. Just like practicing Zen and enlightening the Tao, there are levels. It is impossible for all of them to be Tathagata Yuanshi Tianzun or become Tathagata Yuanshi Tianzun.
Books are good things. At this moment, if "Zhuangzi" had not been passed down to the world, why would I have read such exquisite thoughts of Laozi, and why would I be so happy this morning, as if I had picked up a big treasure. No, this joy is indescribable. I can only keep it and enjoy it by myself!