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When Confucius was walking, he saw gaoyu crying by the roadside. He turned around and said to him, "You don't have a son, why are you crying?" . Gaoyu said: "I lost three things: I learned little, and after traveling to princes, I lost a relative;" I lost my lofty ambition; I lost my leisure to serve the king; I lost two; I lost my friendship and lost three. " The tree wants to be quiet but the wind will not stop, and the son wants to raise but not stay. Those who can't chase, the year is also; Those who go and don't see it are near. I demand that you resign from now on. "Die immediately. Confucius said, "Disciples know enough. "So the owner resigned, and three out of ten people raised relatives.
When Confucius was traveling, he heard someone crying very sadly. Confucius said, "Be quick and quick, there are sages before you." A closer look shows that it is a sorghum fish. Wearing coarse cloth and holding a sickle, crying on the side of the road. Confucius got off the bus and said to gaoyu, "You have no funeral. Why are you crying so sad? " Gaoyu replied: "I have three shortcomings: when I was young, I traveled around the vassal States in order to study, and I didn't give priority to my relatives." This is one of the shortcomings; I have great ambitions. If you don't serve Yong Jun, you will accomplish nothing in the end. This is the second fault; I have a deep friendship with my friends, but I broke off contact because of small things. This is the third mistake. The tree tried to calm down, but the wind kept on. Children want to support their parents well, but parents can't wait for this day! But the past years can't be redeemed, and the lost relatives can't be seen again. Please allow me to leave this world (to accompany my dead relatives). "Then he died. Confucius said to his disciples, "You should take a warning. This is enough to make you understand the truth! " "As a result, three out of ten disciples left home to support their parents.