Original sentence: Use gold to make friends, and gold will be wasted, and you will forget; use benefits to make friends, and the benefits will be scattered; use power to make friends, and the power will fall away; use power to make friends, and if power is lost, you will give up; use emotion to make friends, and you will lose it. When love dies, people are hurt; only when the hearts intersect, can we travel quietly to reach a long distance.
His common name is Li Guoshen, his Buddhist name is Wu Che, and his followers often call him Master Hsing Yun.
A native of Yangzhou (Jiangdu), Jiangsu, he became a monk at the age of twelve at the Qixia Temple in Nanjing with Master Li Zhikai. He is the 48th generation descendant of the Linji Sect.
In 1945, he entered Qixia Law College to study Buddhism. In the spring of 1949, a monk rescue team was organized to come to Taiwan. He founded Fo Guang Shan in 1967 and served as the first, second and third abbot of Fo Guang Shan Temple.
He has established more than 200 monasteries around the world, and founded dozens of art galleries, libraries, publishing houses, bookstores, Chinese schools, Buddhist jungle colleges, universities, middle schools, and primary schools. He once edited Buddhist publications such as "Life", "Buddhism Today", and "Awakening the World" monthly.
Back to the Future is the quintessential eighties movie. It's over the top, kitschy, silly and lots of
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