A true gentleman has a broad mind. They don't stick to things, they don't rejoice in things, and they don't grieve for themselves. Therefore, no matter what the circumstances, we can always be honest with each other. But the villain is more selfish, often suffering from loss and narrow-minded, so he is often sad and troubled. This is "an upright man is open and poised, the villain is worried."
Extended data:
A friendship between gentlemen is as light as water, but a friendship between villains is as sweet as water.
From Samwood, Zhuangzi. Li: Sweet wine.
The friendship between gentlemen stems from mutual understanding. In this understanding, we are not demanding, compulsive, jealous or clingy. So in the eyes of ordinary people, it is as light as white water.
The friendship between gentlemen is not driven by interests, but the communication between villains is driven by interests. After the benefits, people are like passing clouds. Gentlemen don't care about each other because they have no interests, while villains collude with each other because of interests.