What if? Me? Really? Answer? Pairing? Yes? Wings, who am I? Are you sure? It? Will. Is it? Very? That's great. ? Me? Is it okay? Fly? Below? That? Blue? The sky? With what? That? Birds. ? Me? Is it okay? Enjoy? That? Music? Yes? Bird's ? Me? Is it okay? Fly? Crossing? That? Cloud? And then what? That? Small? Wind? Will. Blow? Past? Mine? Face. ? That? Feeling? Must? Is it? That? Same? As? That? Mine? Mom? Caressing? Me.
Me? Is it okay? Fly? Is it over? That? Sea? Below? That? Rainbow? Through? That? Forest? Me? Is it okay? See? All of them? That? Wonderful? View. ? But? Me? Do you know? That? It? Will. Never? Is it? The uterus? Really? Another one? On the contrary ? Me? Want it? Where to? Really? Answer? Fly? Yes? Mine? Own. ? That? A plane? Must? Is it? Very? Small? And then what? Light. ? It? Really? Where to? Carrying? Only? One? People. ? It? Is it okay? Fly? By who? Wind? Or? Sunshine. ? It? Is it okay? Fly? For what? Answer? Very? Dragon? Time. ? And then what? That? Does it matter? Things? Is it? That? It? Must? Is it? Very? Save.
I am? Are you sure? Me? Is it okay? Really? This? A plane? Some? Day. ? And then what? Me? Is it okay? Really? Fly? Where to? Everywhere? Me? Want it.