The actual process of gravity discovery is roughly like this.
When J. Kepler (157 1- 1630) first explored the laws of planetary motion, he thought that gravity was just a magnetic current from the sun, which pushed the planet around in a tangential direction, and its intensity decreased with the increase of the distance from the sun. Kepler also tried to explain the elliptical orbit by the mechanism of magnetic force. He also explained the tidal phenomenon with the magnetic attraction between the moon and seawater.
1645, French astronomer I. Bulliadus put forward a hypothesis: "The reduction of Kepler force is inversely proportional to the square of the distance from the sun". This is the first time to put forward the idea of inverse square relationship.
166 1 year, the Royal Society set up a special committee to study gravity. Robert hooke (1635- 1703), Christopher Wren (1632- 1723), edmund halley (1656- 1723).