There is no rehearsal in life, every day is a live broadcast.
This is a famous saying that has a deeper understanding of life. It is intended to illustrate that we must pay attention to every step of life, because it is not like a drama that can be rehearsed, but like a live broadcast, mistakes cannot be made up.
Yes, there is no rehearsal for a glorious life!
However, there are many things in real life that can or are being rehearsed. People are not sages, how can they have no faults? Humans are not elves, how can they do everything and do it every time? Olympic champions sometimes fail, and mature adults sometimes have accidents.
We can regard life with mistakes or faults as a rehearsal, and we don't have to be demanding that we won't forgive ourselves if a little problem occurs, we will have trouble with ourselves, we will become depressed, and we will be unable to afford it.
Life should have goals and standards, but don’t dampen your spirit by setting your goals too high. It’s normal to have some deviations along the way, and there’s no harm in doing it live! As long as you pay attention to the correction, it is welcome, as long as you don't make the same mistake twice.