When attending important occasions, men had better wear formal clothes and leather shoes, such as Oxford shoes, Derby shoes or monk shoes. At the same time, Brock shoes can be more exquisite and full of British feelings. In the choice of shoe color, if it is colored pants, you can choose black or brown leather shoes, or try to be the same color as pants. If it is a classic black trousers, it is more leg-long with black leather shoes, or you can choose to match it with brown, because black itself is versatile, as long as the color of leather shoes is not spent, it can be very stable.
2, pants+sports shoes
Don't think that you should wear sports shoes when you exercise. Sports shoes are used in many fashion combinations, and so are suits. A suit with sneakers will give people a very energetic and young feeling, which highlights the personality of young people and breaks the seriousness of the suit well, making the whole person look more relaxed and natural.
3, suit+canvas shoes
The styles of canvas shoes can be basically divided into high-top and low-top, both of which can be matched with suits. Don't think canvas shoes are shoes worn by students. Business men wear a pair of canvas shoes in the west, which is very novel and fashionable, and also brings their own academic style, which is very age-reducing.
4, suit+white shoes
Small white shoes are a kind of versatile shoes, so there is no problem in wearing a suit. Moreover, the combination can get rid of the formal feeling of the suit, and the overall feeling is basically a casual style. This kind of collocation is very suitable for office wear, neither serious nor particularly casual.