Lu Dinggong asked Yan Hui, "Do I know that Dongye Bi is good at resisting?" Right: "Good is good. Although, his horse will be lost. " Ding Gong was very unhappy and said, "A gentleman will slander others." Yan Hui, come back. Three days later, the shepherd came to complain: "Dongye's horse is finished, and two horses have been dragged into the stable." Hearing this, he stood up from the stool and urged Yan Hui to drive.
When he came back, Qi Huangong said, "I asked my son about the East Palace the day before yesterday, and my son said,' Is it good? His horse is going to be lost.' I don't know. Does my son Xi know about this? "Yan Hui said to him," get to know it through politics. In the past, Emperor Shun was good at making people, while Zhao Fu was good at making horses. Shun is not poor in his power, and Zao Fu is not poor in his horsepower; Therefore, there is no loss of people, and there is no loss of horses in Zaofu. Today, Dongye completed his imperial position and was promoted to the position of bridle, with a straight body. The pace is rushing, and the ceremony is finished; The adventure is far-reaching and the horsepower is fully open; However, you still want the horse. I know that. "
Gong said, "Good. As my son said. My son's words mean a lot. I am willing to enter less. " Yan Hui said, "As soon as I heard that birds peck when they are poor, animals lick when they are poor, people cheat when they are poor, and horses are miserable when they are poor. Since ancient times and today, no one has been poor and can be without danger. " Gong Yue. So he told Confucius that Confucius said to him, "The husband is Yan Hui, and so on. Is it enough? "
Confucius stood by, Yan Hui stood by, crying with a sad voice. Confucius said, "Go back! Do you know why you are crying? " Yes, I said, "If you cry like this, you will not only die, but also leave." Confucius said, "How do you know?" Yes, he said, "when you hear birds around the mountains, you will have four children."
When the wings are formed, they will be divided into four oceans, and their mother will send them away with a sad voice. The wailing is similar to this, saying that it is gone forever. Stealing back is known by sound category. Confucius made people cry, and the fruit said, "My father died and my family was poor. I sold my son and buried him, so I made a long decision with him." Confucius said: "Hui Ye is good at recognizing sounds!"
Yan Hui asked Confucius, "What about the trip to adulthood?" Confucius said, "Only when you reach the principle of emotional nature, know the principle of quietness and clarity, and roam in the air can you become an adult." It can be an adult or an adult journey. If you are a poor god who knows etiquette, morality will flourish. "
Yan Hui asked Confucius, "Who is the sage, Zang Wenzhong or Wuzhong?" Confucius said, "Wuzhong has virtue!" Yan Hui said: "Wu is a saint, but his body is inevitably guilty. This is a lack of wisdom." Clever tongue, blind defense, is a lack of wisdom. Fu Wenzhong, although physically weak, is he immortal and evil? "
Confucius said, "When you die, you are Wen Zhong." . But there are still three unkind people and three unwise people, but they are not as good as Wuzhong. "He replied," can you smell it? Confucius said, "It's cruel to show off birds and set up six levels for my concubine to weave cattails. Set up a virtual device, worship vertically instead of worshipping, seabirds in the shrine, three unwise. When Wuzhong is in Qi, Qi will be in trouble. It is wise to avoid its difficulties and not be affected by its fields. The husband hides Wu Zhongzhong's wisdom, but he doesn't tolerate land. He suppresses what is just, does what is not smooth and does what is unforgivable. Xia Shu said,' I'm here to study, and I'll forgive you for what you did. "
Yan Hui asked the gentleman. Confucius said, "Love is close to benevolence, which is not important to oneself, nor light to people. A gentleman is also a husband! " He replied, "I dare to ask." Confucius said, "Learning leads to understanding." . Little boy! "
Zhong Sun asked Yan Hui, "The words of a benevolent person will be beneficial to benevolence. Can you hear me? " He replied: "a word is wisdom, not like prejudgment at all;" A word is benevolence, so forgive. The husband knows what he can't do and what he can do. "
Yan Hui asked the villain. Confucius said, "To kill people is to argue, to be cunning is to be wise, to be glad of people's mistakes, to be ashamed of learning, and to be a villain."
Yan Hui asked Lutz, "Power is stronger than virtue, but rarely can you get the dead. Cautious? " Confucius said to Yan Hui, "Everyone knows the beauty of this Tao, but if you don't resist it, how can you live without it?" For those who hear, I am afraid of thinking of my husband. "
Yan Hui asked Confucius: "The words of a villain are close to those of a gentleman, so you must not ignore them." Confucius said, "A gentleman speaks with his deeds, but a villain speaks with his tongue. Therefore, a gentleman is above righteousness, but also sick and in love; The villain is beyond chaos, loves each other and kills each other, and retreats to do evil. "
Yan Hui asked his friend how he was. Confucius said, "If a gentleman is a friend, there must be something wrong with his heart, but it can be said that I don't know his benevolence." Don't forget nine virtues, don't think about long-term grievances, and be kind to others. "
Uncle Sun Wushu saw that he was not an official in Yan Hui. He replied, "Binzhi." Uncle Wu is wrong and judgmental. Yan Hui said, "What do you deserve for the humiliation of millet? I heard Confucius say,' It's not so beautiful to speak ill of others; If you say people are wrong, you shouldn't be right. Therefore, a gentleman attacks his evil and attacks his people without evil. " "
Yan Hui said to Zigong: "I have heard all the words of the master. I don't need to be polite, but I hope to be polite to people." It is chaotic to ask others for virtue instead of virtue. The master's words cannot be ignored. "
The Yan Hui translation of Confucius' Family Language is as follows:
Duke Ding of Lu asked Yan Hui, "Have you ever heard that Toyo Bi is good at driving?" Yan Hui replied, "He drives really well. Nevertheless, his horse will definitely get lost. " Lu was very unhappy and said to the people around him, "There are liars among gentlemen." Yan Hui, stand down. After three days, the horse breeder came to tell me, "Dongyebi's horse was lost, and two horses dragged two horses into the stable." Hearing this, Ding Gong stood up across the mat and immediately asked someone to drive to pick up Yan Hui.
When Yan Hui came, Lu said, "The day before yesterday I asked you about Higashino's driving, and you said,' He really knows how to drive, but his horse will definitely get lost." I don't understand. How did you know? "
Yan Hui said: "I know from the political situation. Once upon a time, Shun Di was good at serving the people, while Zhao Fu was good at riding horses. Shun Di didn't have to do all the manpower and Zaofu didn't have to do all the horsepower, so there were no refugees and Zaofu didn't fall. Now Dongye Bi is driving, let him get off at once, tighten the reins and have a good meal; Sometimes jogging, sometimes running, footwork has been conditioned; After dangerous places and long-distance running, the horse's physical strength has been exhausted, but it still insists on running. So I know the horse will get lost. "
Ding Gong said, "Well said! This is exactly what you said. Your words mean a lot! I hope to talk further. " Yan Hui said, "I heard that birds peck people when they are anxious, animals scratch people when they are anxious, people will cheat when they are cornered, and horses will run away when they are tired. Since ancient times, no one has trapped his subordinates in poverty, and he is not in danger. " Lu Aigong was so happy that he told Confucius about it. Confucius said to him, "He is Yan Hui because he often shows this kind of performance. It is not enough to praise him excessively!"
When Confucius was defending his country, he got up before dawn every day, and Yan Hui waited on him, when he heard a sad cry. Confucius said, "Yan Hui, do you know why you are crying?" Yan Hui said: I think this cry is not only for the dead, but also for parting with relatives. Confucius said, "How do you know?"
Yan Hui said, "I heard that the birds around the mountain gave birth to a little bird. When the bird has full wings, it will fly in all directions. Mother bird sent the bird away sadly. The sad cry is similar to this cry, because they flew away and never came back. I know it from this similar voice. " Confucius asked someone to ask the crybaby, and the crybaby really said, "My father died and my family was poor, so I had to sell my son to bury my father. Now I will be separated from my son forever. " Confucius said, "Come back, you really know how to recognize sounds!" "
Yan Hui asked Confucius: "What is the intellectual character of adults?" Confucius said: "They can be familiar with the truth of human nature, know the law of things changing, know the reasons for the changes of tangible and intangible things in heaven and earth, and see the origin of the changes of clouds and gas in the air, so they can be called adults." He not only reached the level of an adult, but also learned benevolence, righteousness, courtesy and happiness. This is the intellectual behavior of an adult. As for being able to explore the subtle truth of things, it is necessary to have profound virtue. "
Yan Hui asked Confucius, "Who is more talented, Tibetan Wenzhong or Tibetan Wuzhong? Confucius said, "Wuzhong has many talents. "Yan Hui said:" Wuzhong is called a saint by the world, and it is inevitable that he will be guilty. This is his commendable wisdom; He likes to say that he led troops to fight, but he lost in the war with Guo, which is inconsistent with his wisdom and reputation. As for Wen Zhong, although he is immortal after his death, how can we say that he is not as good as Wu Zhongxian? "
Confucius said, "Wen Zhong was born and died, so he was called Wen Zhong. But he still has three unkindness and three unwise, not as good as Wuzhong. " Yan Hui said, "Can you tell me?"
Confucius said: He put the bird exhibition in a lower position, set up six customs to collect taxes, and let my concubine weave thin straw mats to make money. These are three kinds of unkindness. He illegally possessed things that only the emperor could own, connived at disorderly sacrifices and sacrificed seabirds, which was unwise. When Wu Zhong was in Qi, there would be a disaster pot in Qi, and Wu Zhong refused to accept the land given to him by Qi Zhuang to avoid disaster. This is very difficult for a smart person to do. There is also a reason why Wu Zhong is so wise but not tolerated by Lu.
Because some things he did were unreasonable and some things were unreasonable, he said, I think this is all for this. This is in line with truth and Tao.
Yan Hui asked Confucius what kind of person is a gentleman? Confucius said, "Being able to love others is close to benevolence, while doing things is close to wisdom. Don't value yourself too much and don't underestimate others. Such a person can be said to be a gentleman. " Yan Hui said, what's worse? Confucius said, "Go without learning and get without thinking. You have to work hard. "
Zhong Sun He Shen asked Yan Hui: "Is the words of benevolence beneficial to benevolence? Can you tell me? " Yan Hui: "When a word is beneficial to wisdom, there is nothing like the word" foresight "; When a word is good for charity, there is nothing like the word' forgiveness'. Only by knowing what not to do can we know what to do. "
Yan Hui asked, "What kind of person is a villain?" Confucius said, "Slander people's merits for eloquence, expose people's cunning for wisdom, rejoice in mistakes, be ashamed of scholars, and look down on those who have no talent, and be villains. "
Yan Hui asked Luz, "A man's strength is better than his virtue, but he can die a fair death. Why not take this matter seriously? " Confucius said to Yan Hui, "People don't know that prudence is a virtue, but they can't treat it well, and no one does it seriously. Why just be a listener? Why not think about it every day? "
Yan Hui asked Confucius: "What the villain said is the same as what the gentleman said, so we must distinguish it carefully." Confucius said, "A gentleman speaks with his own words, and a villain speaks with his own tongue, so a gentleman counsels each other with righteousness and loves each other privately; The villains supported each other to create unrest and slandered each other privately. "
Yan Hui asked, "How to deal with the relationship between friends?" Confucius said, "When a gentleman treats a friend, he must think that the other person has done something wrong in his heart, but he can't tell his friend that I don't think this person is a good person." Don't forget the kindness of your friends in the past, and don't remember the resentment of your friends in the past. This is a benevolent man. "
Uncle Wu Shu was taken in by Yan Hui before he became an official. Yan Hui said, "Treat guests like guests. Uncle Wu likes to talk about other people's shortcomings, and he has to comment himself. " Yan Hui said, "You are bringing shame on yourself. You should take my advice. I heard my husband say,' you can't beautify yourself by talking about other people's shortcomings; Talking about other people's mistakes doesn't mean you are right. A gentleman should criticize his own shortcomings, not others'.
Yan Hui said to Zi Gong, "It is unreasonable to hear the teacher say that he doesn't pay attention to etiquette and wants others to be polite to him, but he doesn't practice benevolence and wants others to be kind to him. If you are a teacher, you must think about it. "