1. Who can tell me 100 words about etiquette in classical Chinese?
1. The foundation of etiquette is benevolence. 17.11 The Master said: "The rites are clouds and rites are clouds! The jade and silk are clouds! The music is clouds." Yue Yun! The bells and drums are so great!" 2. The etiquette must be formal. 3.17 Zigong wanted to sue Shuo Zhiyang.
Confucius said: "Gift! You love his sheep, and I love his rites." 3. Inherit the ancient rites ⒉ 23 Zi Zhang asked: "How can we know it in the tenth generation?" Confucius said: "Yin Yin Yu The gains and losses of the Xia rites can be known; the gains and losses of the Zhou dynasties due to the Yin rites can be known.
Even if they follow the Zhou rites, we can know them." 3.9 Confucius said: "Xia rites, I can tell. If I can say it, I can't conquer it; if I can say it in the Yin Dynasty, I can't conquer it in the Song Dynasty.
Since the literature is insufficient, I can conquer it."
3.14 Confucius said: "Zhou Jian was in the second generation, and he was so depressed that he was a scholar! I followed Zhou." 3.16 Confucius said: "The shooting does not control the skin, because the strength is different, and it is the ancient way."
2 . A 100-word short essay on a good civilized class
Nowadays, almost every student with some personality is racking his brains to become a school bully, a super brother and a super sister. They are now "famous" ", in the future I can only become a little gangster, or even become the eternal sinner of the universe. So in order not to be remembered forever, I decided to start by protecting the class body. Littering, spitting, not completing homework seriously, calling people Is fighting in groups a way to protect the class body? No, we should work hard to complete the homework in each subject, not skip classes, not skip grades, not cause trouble, and be a good and civilized boy. Listen carefully in class, take notes, and complete homework seriously. Help teachers and classmates more, and be more present in the class. , do good deeds in school, speak actively in class, and do not talk in class. It is easy to develop bad habits, but it takes a lot of effort to develop good habits, but I believe in my own strength. I will do everything down-to-earth until I accomplish these things. No, I will do them better. I believe that only by maintaining the class body can we be qualified and able to maintain it. Our country, facing the country, is our common country after all. But our country can only be upheld by us, not by bragging and empty words.