According to the emperor's decree, an ancient scholar, an official of Julu County and a courtier, Wei Zhi, wrote inscriptions. In April of the sixth year of Zhenguan, the emperor went to Jiucheng Palace for the summer. This used to be Renshou Palace in Sui Dynasty. Covering Shan Ye to build palaces, blocking valleys to form ponds and moats. Bridge across the water column, open up steep places, build towering palaces, build tall pavilions around, and be surrounded by long cloisters. Houses criss-cross, pavilions, uneven. Looking up at the top of the mountain, it is far away, up to a hundred searches; Overlooking the bottom of the valley, it is steep and deep, and the wall stands thousands of miles. Brilliance is like pearls and jade, gold meets blue, brilliance can shine on clouds, and the brilliance of the sun and the moon will make it pale. In order to build a palace, mountains were moved and streams were changed. It is really reprehensible to indulge people's desires. In the hot summer, it is sultry and steaming here, and the breeze blows slowly, which is cool and comfortable. It is indeed a good place to live and a resort to recuperate, and the Ganquan Palace in the Han Dynasty cannot surpass its right.