-"The Analects of Confucius, Xianwen"
Confucius said: "The purpose of ancient scholars is to cultivate their own knowledge and morality, while the purpose of modern scholars is to decorate themselves and show them to others."
Kong Anguo, a master of Confucianism in the Western Han Dynasty and a descendant of Confucius, explained: "Do it for yourself. Being a man can only be said. " Translated into vernacular Chinese: ancient scholars used what they learned to practice themselves and learn to cultivate their self-cultivation; Nowadays, scholars just show off what they have learned and let people know that he is smart, but he refuses to practice it himself, just to brag and study.
Zhu explained: "for yourself, you have to get it for yourself;" As a man, I want to know people. "Still copy Kong Anguo's explanation, nothing new.
In modern times, Mr. Yang Bojun, a master of Confucianism, explained: "Confucius said that the purpose of ancient scholars was to cultivate self-cultivation, while the purpose of modern scholars was to decorate themselves and show them to others."
Mr. Qian Mu explained: Mr. Wang said: "Ancient scholars read for themselves. Today's scholars learn for the people. "
Mr. Li Zehou explained: "Confucius said that ancient scholars were to improve themselves, and today's scholars are to teach others."
Look at Mr. Hu Juezhao's Netease blog.