This means that the largest vassal city should not exceed one third, the middle fifth and the smallest ninth of the capital.
2. In the thirtieth year of Duke Xiang of Lu (543 BC), an old man was asked in the state of Jin. The old man didn't answer directly, but said, "I was born in the first month. There are 45 children out of 400, and the season is now one third."
I was born on the first day of the first month, and now it's 445 Jiazi Day, but the last Jiazi is only over one third.
Historical significance:
According to legend, Zuo Zhuan was written by Zuo Qiuming, which is a chronological history book with complete narrative in ancient China, and also a representative of prose works in pre-Qin period. The original name of the work was Zuo's Spring and Autumn Annals, and later it was renamed Zuozhuan in Chunqiu Zuozhuan and Hanshu Zuozhuan, and it was often called Zuozhuan after the Han Dynasty. It is one of the important Confucian classics, and it is called Three Biographies of Spring and Autumn together with Biography of Ram and Biography of Gu Liang.
In essence, Zuo Zhuan is an independent historical document, which began in the year of Lu Yin (722 BC) and ended in the twenty-seventh year of Lu Aigong (468 BC). Based on Chunqiu, this paper illustrates the outline of Chunqiu by describing the specific historical facts in the Spring and Autumn Period.