1. Guan Zhong and Bao Shuya. Guan Zhong’s family was poor. He studied hard on his own since he was a child. He was proficient in poetry, books, etiquette, rich in knowledge, and highly skilled in martial arts. He and his close friend Bao Shuya were the princes respectively. Xiaobai's master. In the twelfth year of Qi Xianggong (686 BC), Qi was in turmoil. Gongsun Wuzhi killed King Xiang of Qi and established himself as king. A year later, Gongsun Wuzhi was killed again. Qi was without a king for a while and fled. Jiu and Xiaobai, the young masters, both tried to rush back to the country as soon as possible to seize the throne. In order to make Jiu the king, Guan Zhong tried to kill Xiaobai in the middle of an ambush. The arrow hit Xiaobai's copper belt hook. Xiaobai pretended to be dead. With the help of Bao Shuya, he returned home first and ascended the throne. He was the famous Duke Huan of Qi in history. Duke Huan ascended the throne and managed to kill Prince Jiu. He also wanted to kill his enemy Guan Zhong who shot him with an arrow. Bao Shuya tried his best to dissuade him. He pointed out that Guan Zhong was a genius in the world, and asked Duke Huan to think about the prosperity of Qi, forget the old grudges, and reuse Guan Zhong. Duke Huan accepted the suggestion, took over Zhong and returned to the country. Soon he became the prime minister and presided over political affairs. Guan Zhong was able to display all his talents.
< p>2. During the Three Kingdoms period, Zhang Liao and Le Jin under Cao Cao defended Hefei. Once Sun Quan sent a hundred thousand soldiers to attack. They were two of the five good generals. They had equal merit. They had always had conflicts in the past, but they faced a strong enemy. . Still able to complement each other, advance and retreat, and finally defeat the enemy.3. The old fishermen of ancient Japan discovered that if they put a few remaining lively sardines into a group of salvaged fish, Among the lazy catfish, the active sardines scurry among the catfish, giving the catfish a sense of crisis. They swim hard to avoid death due to suffocation. This is the famous catfish effect.
1. In our country's economic life, there is a "win-win theory of the tortoise and the hare". The tortoise and the hare raced many times, each winning or losing. Later, the tortoise and the hare cooperated. The hare carried the tortoise on its back and ran away Then the tortoise carried the hare on its back and swam across the river. This is a "win-win". Competitors can also be partners. As the saying goes: "A fence has three stakes. A hero has three gangs." If you want to achieve something, A major event must rely on the joint efforts of everyone. Looking at ancient and modern times, at home and abroad, aren't all those who have succeeded in their careers a model of good cooperation?
2. There is a famous saying in Taiwan's advertising industry: It is better to de-internationalize than to be internationalized.
1. One year, the world crude oil price rose sharply. Hammer's opponents all increased their oil output to Eastern European countries slightly. Only Hammer's oil output increased significantly. Reduction. This puzzled many people. Black reporter Jessica Kuth tried every means to find Hammer and asked him for advice on this issue. Hammer said something that he will never forget: "Taking care of others is taking care of yourself. Those who always If a person who wants to stand out in the competition knows that taking care of others only requires a little understanding and generosity, but can win unexpected gains, then he will definitely regret it. Taking care of others is one of the most powerful ways. It is also a rule. The best way."
2. Marx said it well. Collaboration can not only improve individual productivity. It can also "create a kind of productivity", producing the magical effect of one plus one being greater than two. Smart people Not only must we actively cooperate with partners, but we must also have the courage to cooperate with competitors and benefit from them.
3. There is a famous saying in the American business community: "If you can't defeat your opponents, join them." Modern times Competition is no longer "life or death", but a higher level of competition and cooperation. What modern enterprises pursue is no longer "single win", but "win-win" and "multi-win".
1 . A successful American person once said: "There are no permanent friends and no permanent enemies." This sentence is correct. Every very good friend is likely to become an enemy under certain factors. After all, money, fame and fortune are all important. The temptation is great. We cannot guarantee that everyone will be loyal to their friends. It is more likely that they are just friends in appearance. The same is true for enemies. We do not have eternal enemies. Just like in the high school entrance examination, in the examination room, we are all competitors. No one will give up their studies because of any relationship. However, in daily study, we study together and help each other. We are friends and cooperate. We have no choice. Living in this society, we are born to compete. .Only the strong can survive. This also tells us a truth. Suddenly, we are fully prepared. Competition gives us the opportunity to perform. We must cooperate and compete. We must become a win-win group. Only in this way can we Only progress makes you qualified to compete.
2. Competition and cooperation often coexist.
3. We advocate competition but do not forget cooperation.