Interpretation Confucius said: "Only benevolent people can care for people with the right attitude, and they can hate people with the right attitude."
2. Confucius said, "Clever words make you look good, which makes you fresh!" -
Interpretation of Learning Confucius said: "There is little benevolence in such people who are eloquent and pretend to be kind!"
3. Confucius said, "There are three ways to be a scholar, but I can't do anything: the benevolent does not worry, the knowledgeable does not doubt, and the brave is not afraid." Zi Gong said, "Confucius is a Taoist." -
Interpretation of "Xian Wen" Confucius said: "I have not achieved the three aspects of a gentleman's achievement: benevolent people are not sad when they are in trouble, wise people are not confused, and brave people are fearless." Zi Gong said, "These three points are the teacher's self-comments."
4. Confucius said: "A gentleman's righteousness is the quality, and he will do it with his strength, and his grandson will do it with his faith. Gentleman! " -"Wei Linggong"
Interpretation Confucius said: "A gentleman regards righteousness as the foundation of being a man, implements it with etiquette, expresses it with modest words, and completes it with an honest attitude. This is a gentleman! "
5. Confucius said, "When you go out, you will be like a distinguished guest, making the people like a big sacrifice. Don't do to others what you feed. No complaints in the state, no complaints at home. " -"Yan Yuan"
Interpretation Confucius said: "Going out to do things is as serious as receiving VIPs, and serving the people is as cautious as undertaking major sacrifices. Don't impose on others anything you don't want to do. No matter what you do in the country or in the family, don't let people hate themselves. "
6. Confucius said, "Being rigid, resolute, wooden, and dull is close to benevolence." -"Zi Lu"
Interpretation Confucius said: "Strong, decisive, simple and cautious, these qualities are close to benevolence."
7. Confucius said, "Benevolence is beautiful. If you choose not to be benevolent, how can you know? " -"Liren"
Interpretation Confucius said: "It is beautiful to live in a place with a benevolent atmosphere. How can you say that you are smart when you choose your residence and don't choose a place with benevolence? "
8. Confucius said, "Do your duty and don't yield to your teacher." -"Wei Linggong"
Interpretation Confucius said: "In the face of things that are in line with benevolence, you don't have to be humble to the teacher."
9. Confucius said, "Those who have virtue must have words, and those who have words need not have virtue. The benevolent must be brave, and the brave need not be benevolent. " -
Interpretation of "Xian Wen" Confucius said: "A person with morality must have wonderful remarks, but a person with wonderful remarks may not have morality. A benevolent person must be brave, and a brave person is not necessarily a benevolent person. "
1. Confucius said, "The gentleman is poor, but the villain is poor." -"Wei Linggong"
Interpretation Confucius said: "A gentleman can stay poor, and a villain will run amok when he is poor."