2, the ancients said: the prime minister can punt in his stomach; But the ancients also said: no revenge is not a gentleman!
3. The ancients said: People don't commit crimes against me, and I don't commit crimes; But the ancients said: first strike is strong, then strike is strong!
4. The ancients said: A man is a gentleman and would rather die than surrender; But the ancients said: a man is a gentleman and can bend and stretch!
5, the ancients said: it depends on the owner to beat the dog; But the ancients said: Kill the chicken for the monkey!
6. The ancients said: Everything you know is inexhaustible; But the ancients also said: shallow is not deep, silence is golden!
7. The ancients said: Everything will have a result; But the ancients said: Don't turn back until you hit the south wall!
8. The ancients said: All roads lead to Rome; But the ancients said: a road goes to black!