Confucius said that "seven out of seventy people are proficient in business", and they are all capable people. Virtue: Yan Yuan, Min Ziqian, Ran Boniu, Zhong Gong. Politics: You Ran, Lu Ji.
Word: Kill me, Zi Gong. Literature: Freedom in Xia Zi. Division also monarch, ginseng also lu, wood also stupid, from well, back to empty again and again. If you don't accept the order and Huo Zhi does nothing, 1 billion dollars will be hit repeatedly.
Confucius was strict: Laozi in Zhou Dynasty; , discipline; , Yan; Yu Chu, Lao Laizi; JUNG WOO, a child; Yu Lu, Meng Gong. Confucius' disciples Zang Wenzhong, Liu Xiahui, Tong Zhongbohua and Jie Ran are all dead.
Yan Hui, a native of Shandong, has a profound word. Confucius is thirty years younger.
Yan Yuan asked Ren, and Confucius said, "Self-denial and self-respect, the world will return to benevolence."
Confucius said, "You are a good man! A scoop of food, a scoop of drink, in the mean lane, people can't bear to worry, and they won't change their fun when they go back. " "Go back like a fool; If you retire, it is enough to keep your privacy. It is not stupid to retire. " "If you use it, you will do it. Give up and hide. Only you and I are husbands! "
Back in 29 years, the hair turned white and the flea died. Confucius cried bitterly and said, "Since I have something in return, my disciples benefit my relatives."
Lu Aigong asked, "Who is a studious disciple?" Confucius said to him, "Those who have Yan Hui are eager to learn, will not be angry but will never fail. Unfortunately, if you are short-lived, you will die today. I have never heard of a good scholar. "
Min loses money. Confucius is fifteen years younger.
Confucius said, "Filial piety is Min Zikai! People are not in the words of their parents. " Don't be a doctor, don't eat your wealth. "If there is a reply to me, it must be in Brunei."
RanGeng word "cow". Confucius thought there was virtue.
Bo Niu was seriously ill. Confucius asked him, held his hand and said, "Life is also a husband! The people of Sri Lanka also have their own diseases, and their lives are also their husbands! "
Ran Yong is a middle bow.
Zhong Gong asked about politics, and Confucius said, "Going out to meet a big guest makes the people like a big sacrifice. There is no complaint in the state and no complaint in the family. "
Confucius took the middle bow as virtue, saying, "Harmony can also make the south."
Father's palace, bitch. Confucius said, "The son of a plowman has horns. Although he wants to use them, what else can he give up? "
Ran Qiu said that Confucius was twenty-nine years younger. Slaughter for discipline.
Ji Kangzi asked Confucius, "Are you benevolent?" Yue: "A city of thousands of rooms is a home of hundreds of times, and asking for it can also endow it. Benevolence means ignorance. " Asked again: "Is Luz kind?" Confucius said to him, "If you ask."
Q: "Steven Zhu Xing?" Confucius said, "Do it." Lutz asked, "Where's Sven?" Confucius said, "With my father and brother around, how can I smell and act!" Zi Hua wondered, "Dare to ask the same question and answer different questions?" Confucius said, "retreat after planning, so enter." . I retired because I am also a human being. "
Zhong You hippo chef road, then people also. Confucius Xiao Jiu was years old.
Lutz was contemptible, brave, upright, crowned rooster, dressed in dolphins, and violently attacked Confucius. Confucius offered gifts to lure Luz, who took Confucianism as a pledge because his teacher invited him as a disciple.
When Luz asked about politics, Confucius said, "First of all, work hard." Please benefit. Say, "Never get tired."
Lutz asked, "What about Mr. Shang Yong?" Confucius said, "Righteousness is paramount. A gentleman who is brave without righteousness is chaotic, and a villain who is brave without righteousness is stealing. "
Lutz has a smell, but if you can't do it, you will be afraid of it.
Confucius said, "If a sentence can break the prison, so can its reason!" "You are better than me and there is nothing to learn from." "If it is right, it will not die." "A fox in a robe is not ashamed, and it is reasonable!" "I was promoted to the hall, but I didn't enter the room."
Ji Kangzi asked, "Zhong Youren?" Confucius said, "A thousand times the country can cure its fu, but it doesn't know its benevolence."
Luz likes to travel, and he will meet people who have been separated for years, obsessed and worried.
Lutz is the butcher of Ji's family. Ji Sun asked, "Is Luz a minister?" Confucius said, "You are a minister."
It's Dr. Pu who resigned from Confucius. Confucius said, "Puduo is a strong man, but it is difficult to treat. However, I say to you: courtesy and respect can be brave; Wide to positive, can be more than the public; Be respectful and calm, you can report it. "
At first, there was a pet girl named Nanzi in Wei Linggong. The prince of Linggong beat Nanzi and ran away for fear of punishment. And Linggong pawn and his wife want to set up a son Ying. Should refuse, said: "the son of the late prince needs to be here." Therefore, in order to go public, Wei Li needs to be a gentleman. After working in the public sector for 12 years, his father's building lives far from home and is not allowed to enter. Luz is Kong Mao of Wei, a doctor in the massacre. Rebellion with Kong Mao, seeking to enter the home of Kong Mao, and then attacking the public with his disciples. Going to Lugong for business and going to Li is all for Zhuang Gong. The square hole is in trouble, the road is outside and is being washed away. The lamb went out of the Weicheng gate and said to Luz, "I'm on a business trip, and the door is closed, so I can pay it back, and I don't suffer for nothing."
Lutz said, "People who eat its food don't shy away from its difficulties."
The lamb died. The messenger entered the city, the gate opened, and the road followed. Show, show, show. Lutz said, "Why did you use this hole? Please kill it. " Hey, listen. So Lutz wanted to burn the altar and was afraid, so he went down for help and attacked Lutz with a pot, interrupting Lutz's tassel. Lutz said: "It is inevitable that a gentleman will die and be crowned." So I tied the tassel and died.
Confucius listened to the chaos and said, "Oh, from the dead!" " Has died. So Confucius said, "I have my own reasons,
Turn a deaf ear to unpleasant words. "Zi gong for lu to qi.
Kill me. A flow of words. Since I was educated, I asked, "How long has it been three years? If a gentleman is not polite for three years, the courtesy will be bad; If you don't have fun for three years, have fun. The old valley has gone, the new valley is rising, and the time has passed. "
Confucius said, "Are you safe?" Say, "Ann." "Ruan for it. A gentleman is in mourning, unwilling to eat, and unhappy to hear music, so he is also blessed. " When Confucius slaughtered me, he said, "It's unkind to do it! The son was born for three years, and then he was rescued from his parents' arms. Losing a husband for three years is a common phenomenon. "
Zaiying sleeps during the day. Confucius said, "Rotten wood can't be carved, nor can the wall of dung be carved."
The butcher asked me about the virtues of the five emperors, and Confucius said, "Give it to others."
Confucius was ashamed of killing me as a temporary doctor and insurrection with Tian Chang.
Duan Muci, Ren Wei, Zi Gong. Confucius is thirty-one years younger. Zi Gong was eloquent, but Confucius often argued according to reason. He asked, "Which is better, you or Hui?" He said: "If you give it, you dare not look back! I also know a thing or two. "
Now that Zi Gong has got his inheritance, he asked, "To whom?" Confucius said, "You are also a tool." He said, "What is it?" Say, "Yes." Wei Gongsun Sheng asked Zi Gong, "How did Zhong Ni learn?" Zi Gong said, "The way of civil and military affairs has not fallen to the ground. In people, sages know their greatness, and non-sages know their smallness, so there is no way for civil and military affairs. The master doesn't learn, but there are often teachers! "
He asked again: "Confucius is a country that must know its politics." Ask for it? Depressed? "Zi Gong said," Your master is kind, humble and thrifty, so he can get it. What the master wants is also what others want. "
Zi Gong asked, "What about being rich without arrogance and being poor without flattery?" Confucius said, "Yes; It is better to be poor and happy, rich and kind. "
Tian Chang wanted to make trouble in Qi and was afraid of Gao, Guo, Bao and Yan, so he dispatched troops to attack Lu. Hearing this, Confucius said to his younger brother, "Fu Lu, where is the tomb? The country of parents is in danger. What can the second son and the third son do? " Luz, please come out. Confucius will stop it. Zhang Zi, Zi Shi, please go, and Confucius will help Xu. Please pay tribute, and Confucius agreed.
Then he went to Qi, saying that Tian Chang said, "You have gone too far in attacking Lu. Fulu, the country is difficult to cut, the city is thin and narrow, the king is stupid and ruthless, the officials are useless, and the people hate Jia Bing. This can't be fought. You might as well cut Wu. Wu Mi, the city is high and thick, the land is wide and deep, the armor is strong and new, and the soldiers are full, with heavy weapons and elite soldiers in it, and doctors in the Ming Dynasty guard it. This is easy to cut. " Tian Chang said angrily: "it is easy for children to do difficult things;" What is easy for children is difficult for people: what is the significance of teaching? "
Zi Gong said, "As soon as I heard this, those who are worried at home attack the strong and those who are worried outside attack the weak. Your worries are also included. I listened to your three letters and failed, and the minister didn't listen. Today, the monarch defeated Lu in a wide range, defeated the arrogant master, and defeated the country to respect the minister. However, if your merits are not satisfactory, you will ignore the Lord. It is difficult for you to be arrogant but not arrogant, arrogant but not arrogant, and you have achieved great things. If a husband is arrogant, he will be arrogant, and if he is arrogant, he will fight. Even if you lose something with the Lord, I will fight with it. In this way, you stand in danger. Therefore, it is better to attack Wu. Wu can't be defeated, the people die outside, and the ministers are empty inside. No powerful minister is the enemy of the monarch and there is no fault of his subjects. Only the monarch can control qi. "
Tian Changdao: "Good. Although our army has defected to Lu and Wu, I doubt it. Why? "
Zi Gong said, "Your soldiers cannot be cut. I ask you to send a messenger to the king of Wu to save Ruvaqi. Your troops will meet you. " . "Tian Chang agreed, so that Zi Gongnan could see the prince.
Confucius said that "seventy-seven people are proficient in six arts in my knowledge", all of whom are gifted. Outstanding virtue: Yan Yuan, Min Ziqian, Ran Boniu, Zhong Gong.
Good at handling political affairs: You Ran, Lu Ji. Language: Kill me, Zi Gong. The article is erudite: Ziyou, Xia Ziren. Zhuan Xu is extreme, Zeng Shen is dull, Gao Chai is stupid, Zhong You is rude, and Yan Hui is often poor. Duanmu Ci refused to accept his fate and went into business, but his guess was often accurate. ?
People respected by Confucius: in the Zhou Dynasty, it was Laozi; It is a discipline to defend the country; Yan Zhong Ping is in Qi; Laolaizi is in Chu; In Zheng, it is a sub-product; In the state of Lu, it is Meng Gong Chuo. He also often praised Zang Wenzhong, Liu Xiahui, Shu Tong Bohua and Jieshan Nature. Confucius was born later than all of them, not his contemporaries.
Yan Hui, a native of Shandong, has a deep word. Thirty years younger than Confucius.
When Yan Yuan asked what benevolence was, Confucius said, "Restrain yourself and make your words and deeds conform to etiquette, and everyone in the world will praise you as a benevolent."
Confucius said, "Yan Hui! What a moral man! Eating a small basket of rice, drinking a ladle of water and living in a humble alley, ordinary people can't stand this kind of suffering, but Yan Hui doesn't change his pleasure.
When listening to my lecture, Yan Hui looked like a stupid person. After class, he can also deliberately use his private remarks. Yan Hui is really not stupid. ""When I hire you, I will save the world. When I am not appointed, I will hide my way. Only you and I have this attitude! "
Yan Hui was only 29 years old, with gray hair and died young. Confucius said with tears, "Since Yan Hui came into being, the students have become closer and closer to me."
Lu Aigong asked, "Who is the best student?" Confucius replied, "There was a man named Yan Hui. He had better learn to never transfer his anger to others and never make the same mistake again. Unfortunately, the life span is very short, and there is no such person now. "
Sensitive, modest, fifteen years younger than Confucius.
Confucius said, "Min Zikai is so filial! He serves his parents and obeys his brothers, and others have no criticism of his parents and brothers. " He doesn't want to be a doctor's servant or a poor salary.
So he said, "If anyone calls me again, I will definitely flee to the north of Wenshui."
Ran Geng, the word Bo Niu. Confucius thinks he is virtuous.
When Bo Niu was ill, Confucius went to meet him, shook his hand through the window and said, "This is life! Such a good person has such a disease, this is life! "
Ran Yong, middle bow.
When Zhong Gong asked how to handle political affairs, Confucius said, "Going out to do business is like receiving distinguished guests, and employing people is like presiding over ceremonies, so you are sincere and cautious. In this way, no one will hate you if you work in the feudal country of the vassal, and no one will hate you if you work in Dr. Qing's house. "
Confucius thought that Zhonggong had made some achievements in virtue and said, "ran yong, you can make him a great official like a great doctor."
Zhong Gong's father is a humble man. Confucius said, "A variegated cow gives birth to a red calf with straight horns. Even if you don't want to use it as a sacrifice, will the gods of mountains and rivers dislike it? "
Ran Qiu, the word Ziyou, is twenty-nine years younger than Confucius. Be the head of the Li family.
Ji Kang asked Confucius, "Is Ran Qiu kind?" Confucius said, "Ran Qiu can govern the military and political affairs with a city of thousands of households and a fief of hundreds of cars. As for his benevolence, I don't know. " Ji Kangzi asked again: "Is Luz benevolent?" Confucius said, "Like Ran Qiu."
Ran Qiu asked Confucius, "What should you do when you hear it? Do you act immediately?" Confucius replied, "Act at once." Lutz asked Confucius, "When you hear what you should do, should you act immediately?"
Confucius said, "With my father and brother around, how can I move at the command?" Hanako thought it was strange and said inexplicably, "I dare to ask, why did I ask the same question but the answer was different?" Confucius replied, "Ran Qiu is timid, so I encouraged him. Zhong You has the courage of two people to do things, and I want to restrain him. "
Zhong You, Hippo Little Chef Road, a border person. Older than Confucius and Xiao Jiu.
Lutz was simple-minded, aggressive, ambitious and straightforward. He wore a rooster hat and held a sword decorated with wild boar skin, and once bullied Confucius. Confucius slowly induced him with rites and music. Later, Luz wore Confucian clothes and brought a gift from his teacher. Through the recommendation of Confucius students, he asked to become a Confucius student.
When Luz asked how to handle political affairs, Confucius said, "Set an example for the people first, and then make them work hard." Lutz asked for further explanation. Confucius said, "Persevere."
Lutz asked, "Does a gentleman advocate courage?" Confucius said: "What a gentleman advocates most is righteousness. If a gentleman is brave and does not worship righteousness, he will be rebellious. If a villain is brave and does not worship righteousness, he will become a robber. "
Lutz wanted to hear something, but he didn't act immediately because he was afraid of hearing something else.
Confucius said: "If you can make a final decision only by listening to unilateral words, I am afraid there are only intermediate reasons!" "I can't use up the courage advocated by Zhong You, so it doesn't apply." A temperament like Zhong You will come to no good end. "
"The only person who is not ashamed to stand with a man wearing a fur coat and a ragged robe made of messy wool is probably Zhong You!" "Zhong You's learning seems to be in the main hall, but he hasn't entered the inner room yet."
Ji Kangzi asked: "Is Zhong You benevolent?" Confucius replied: "A country has 1000 personnel carriers, which allows it to manage the military and political affairs. I don't know if he is a benevolent person. "
Luz likes to travel with Confucius, and he has also met hermits such as those who are over sixty, stubborn and carrying farm tools.
Became a servant of Ji's family. Ji Sun asked Confucius, "Is Luz a servant?" Confucius said, "It can be said that he is a vassal who is preparing for his position."
Lutz became Puyi's doctor and bid farewell to Confucius. Confucius said, "Puyi is brave and difficult to treat. But I tell you: with humility, you can control brave people; Generosity and honest and frank can make everyone close; If you are respectful and honest and the society is quiet, you can use it to serve your boss. "
At first, Wei Linggong had a girl named Nanzi. The prince Qin offended her and fled abroad for fear of being murdered. After Gong Ling's death, Mrs. Nanzi wanted Gongziying to inherit the throne. Zi Ying refused to accept, saying, "Although the prince escaped, the son of the prince is still there." So Guo Wei made Meng the monarch, that is, Wei Gongchu.
Twelve years after he ascended the throne, his father Qin stayed abroad and could not come back. At this time, Lutz served as the chief of the Wei doctor Kong Mao. He made an insurrection with Kong Mao, trying to sneak people into Kong Mao's house and attack Father Wei with his henchmen. He fled to Shandong on business and ascended the throne in the palace. This is Wei Zhuanggong.
When Kong Mao made an insurrection, Lutz had something to do outside and came back as soon as he heard the news. Zi Xiao went out of the gate of Weiguo and met Luz. Liu Bei said, "Wei fled on business. The city gate is closed. You can go back. Don't suffer for him. " Lutz said, "You can't avoid people's disasters by eating their food."
The lamb finally left. Just as the messenger was about to enter the city, the gate opened and Luz followed. I found the building, the building and the hole on the stage. Lutz said, "Why did your Majesty appoint Kong Mao? Please let me catch him and kill him. " He didn't listen to his persuasion.
So he was ready to set fire to the platform. Lou was afraid, so he let him go down to the platform to attack and cut off the hat belt. Lutz said, "A gentleman can die, but his hat can't fall off." Then he tied on his hat and died.
Confucius heard the news of the riot in the Great Patriotic War and said, "Alas, Zhong You is dead!" "Soon, the news of his death really came. So Confucius said, "Now that I have a son, I will never hear any bad words again. At this time, Zi Gong was in the state of Qi as an envoy to Lu.
Zaiyu, the word I am. He has a glib tongue and is good at rhetoric. After worshipping Confucius, he asked, "Is it too long for a person to be filial three years after his parents died?" If a gentleman doesn't practice etiquette for three years, etiquette will be ruined; If you don't play music for three years, you will definitely fail in music.
Within a year, the old millet has been eaten up, the new millet has matured and the wood for the fire has been changed, so a year's mourning period is enough. Confucius said, "You only cried for a year. Are you upset? " I replied, "Peace of mind. "
Confucius said, "Since you feel at ease, you should do so." During the period of filial piety, even if you eat delicious food, you can't feel sweet, and you can't feel happy when you hear beautiful music, so the gentleman doesn't do it. "Zaiyu abdicated, Confucius said:" Zaiyu is a gentleman who is not benevolent! It takes three years for a child to leave his mother's arms. Filial piety for three years is the etiquette that everyone in the world follows. "
Zaiyu sleeps during the day. Confucius said, "Rotten wood cannot be carved, nor can it be carved."
When I asked about the virtues of the five emperors, Confucius replied, "You are not the one to ask such questions."
When Qi was dying, Confucius was ashamed of killing me as a doctor and conspiring with Tian Chang to make trouble, so he was exterminated.
Duanmu Ci, a patriot, is a tribute. Thirty-one years younger than Confucius.
Zi Gong was eloquent and good at rhetoric, and Confucius often refuted his words. Confucius asked Zigong, "Who is better than Yan Hui?" Zi Gong replied, "How can I expect to compare with Yan Hui? When Yan Hui heard one truth, he could infer ten. I heard one truth, but I only deduced two. "
After studying with Confucius, Zi Gongbai asked, "What kind of person am I?" Confucius said, "You are a useful thing." Zi Gong said, "What artifact?" Confucius said, "Hu Lian is in the ancestral temple."
Wei Gongsun Sheng asked Zi Gong, "Where did Zhong Ni get such extensive knowledge?" Zi Gong said: "The thoughts of King Wen and King Wu have not been completely lost, but are still circulating among the people. Smart people remember its important parts, while evil people only remember its details. The thoughts of King Wen and King Wu are everywhere. Where can't Mr. Wang learn, why should he have a fixed teacher! "
Chen asked again: "Every time Confucius goes to a country, he must understand the politics of that country. Did he ask others to tell him this, or did they tell him on their own initiative? " Zi Gong said, "Sir, you got it with the virtue of being gentle, respectful and frugal." Mr. Wang may get it in a different way from others. "
Zi Gong asked Confucius, "What about people who are rich but not arrogant and poor but not flattering?" Confucius said, "Yes; However, even if you are poor and willing to follow the path of sages, you should be modest and polite. "
Tian Chang wanted to rebel in Qi, but he was afraid of Gao, Guo Huizi and Bao Muhe, so he wanted to mobilize troops to attack Lu. When Confucius heard this, he said to his disciples, "Lu is the place where the graves of our ancestors are located, and it is also the country where we were born. Our motherland is so dangerous, why don't you come forward? "
Lutz asked to go, but Confucius stopped him. He Zi asked Lu for help, but Confucius refused. Zi Gong asked to save Lu, and Confucius agreed.
Zi Gong set out for Qi and lobbied Tian Chang to say, "It is wrong for you to attack Lu. Shandong is a difficult country to attack. Its walls are thin and short, its moat is narrow and shallow, its monarch is ignorant and heartless, its ministers are hypocritical and useless, and its soldiers and people hate war. Such a country cannot compete with it. You might as well attack Wu.
The walls of the State of Wu are tall and thick, the moat is wide and deep, the armor is firm and brand-new, the elite soldiers are strong, the talents are abundant, the elite soldiers are strong, the sages guard them, and the attack is easy. "
Tian Chang suddenly became angry, changed his face and said, "You think it's difficult, others think it's easy; You find it easy, others find it difficult. What is the purpose of teaching me with these words? " Zi Gong said: "I heard that those who are worried at home will attack powerful countries;" People who are worried abroad should attack weak countries.
Now, your worries are at home. I heard that you have been knighted many times, but you failed to do so because of the opposition of the DPRK minister. Now, you want to seize Lu to expand the territory of Qi. If you win, your monarch will be more arrogant. If you occupy the land of Lu, the ministers will be more distinguished, and aggression and labor are not among them. In this way, your relationship with the monarch will be alienated day by day.
This is your arrogance to the monarch. It is too difficult for ministers to indulge themselves and achieve great things. If you are arrogant, you will have no scruples. If you are arrogant, you will fight for power and profit. In this way, there will be emotional cracks between you and the monarch, and you and the minister will compete with each other. In this way, your situation in Qi is dangerous.
So it is better to attack Wu. Wu can't be defeated, people die outside, ministers lead troops to fight, and the power of the court is empty. In this way, there will be no confrontation between powerful ministers and no criticism from the people all over the world. Only you can isolate monarchs and despots. "Tian often said," good. Nevertheless, my army has gone to Lu and is now withdrawing from Lu to Wu.
Ministers suspect me. What should I do? Zi Gong said, "Don't attack. Please let me send a messenger to the king of Wu for you. Let him send troops to help Lu and attack Qi, so you can send troops to meet him. " Tian Chang accepted Zi Gong's suggestion and sent him to the south to meet the king of Wu.
Zi Gong lobbied the King of Wu, saying, "It is said that those who practice kingliness cannot let the vassal states perish, and those who practice bullying cannot let other powerful enemies appear. Adding one or two baht to an important object may also lead to displacement. Qi with 10,000 chariots and Lu with 1,000 chariots are competing with Wu Guolai. Personally, I think it is dangerous for the king.
Besides, rescuing Lu is a famous thing; Attacking the State of Qi is a matter of great benefit. Nothing is more profitable than appeasing the governors of various countries north of Surabaya and punishing the violent Qi State to subdue the powerful Jin State. The famous preservation of the peril of Lu actually hindered the expansion of Qiang, and the wise will not doubt this truth.
"The prince said," good. Even so, I once fought with Yue, and the King of Yue retired to Huiji Mountain. The King of Yue worked hard, treated his soldiers well, and was determined to get back at me. Please do as you say after I capture the state of Yue. "
Zi Gong said: "The strength of Yue State cannot exceed that of Lu State, and its strength cannot exceed that of Qi State. The King of Qi put the State of Qi aside and prepared to attack the State of Yue. Then, the State of Qi has pacified Lu, and it is not brave for the king to attack the weak State of Yue and fear the powerful State of Qi in the name of "making those who perished survive and those who lost their children and grandchildren continue".
Brave people don't avoid difficulties, and kind people don't let others get into trouble. Smart people lose opportunities, and those who practice kingly ways will not make a country extinct. Use these to build your moral values. Now that Yue State has been saved, we have shown kindness to other governors, assisted Lu State in attacking Qi State, and exerted the power of Jin State, and other governors will surely come to Wu to dominate the world, and the great cause will be successful.
Your majesty is really afraid of crossing the country. I sent the East to see the King of Yue and asked him to send troops to follow you. This actually made the country empty, and nominally followed the princes to crusade against Qi. The prince was very happy and sent Zi Gong to see Yue.
The King of Yue cleaned the road, greeted Zigong in the suburbs, drove to the pavilion where Zigong stayed and asked, "This is a remote and backward country. How can a doctor humiliate his solemn identity and come here! " Zi Gong replied, "Now I have persuaded the King of Wu to save Lu and attack Qi. He wanted to do this in his heart, but he was afraid to cross the border, saying,' You can only do this if you capture the country'.
Like this, it is inevitable to break through the country. Besides, it would be clumsy to make people doubt him without revenge; It is not safe to have the will to retaliate and let people know about him; It's too dangerous to let people know before things start. These three situations are the biggest bane of doing things. "
Hearing this, Gou Jian fell to the ground and said, "I once overreached myself before fighting with Wu. I was trapped in Huiji, hated the bone marrow, and my lips were scorched day and night. I just want to die with the king of Wu. This is my wish. " So he asked Zi Gong what to do.
Zi Gong said: "The prince of Wu is cruel and cruel, and the minister can't bear it; The country has fought many wars, making soldiers tired and weak, and soldiers can't stand it; The people resent the monarch, and the ministers are in chaos; Wu Zixu was killed because of remonstrance, and Taizai was in power, which complied with the monarch's fault and was used to protect his own private interests: this was a political manifestation of harming the country.
Now, if the king can send troops to assist the king of Wu, so as to win his favor, win his favor with heavy treasures and show his respect with humble words, he will certainly attack Qi. If you can't win the war, it will be your blessing.
If he wins, he will surely lead his troops to the state of Jin. Please let me go north to meet the king of Jin, and let him attack together, which will definitely weaken the power of Wu. When all their elite troops were consumed in Qi, the heavy troops were pinned down by Jin, and the king of Jin attacked it when it was exhausted, which would inevitably destroy Wu. "
The king of Yue was very happy and promised to follow the plan. Give Zi Gong 120 gold, a sword and two good spears. Zi Gong didn't accept it, so he left.
Zi Gong reported to the King of Wu: "I solemnly told the King of Yue what he said. The King of Yue was very afraid and said, "I'm unlucky. I lost my father when I was a child, and I overreached myself. I was convicted of violating the state of Wu. My army was defeated and I was humiliated. I live on Huiji Mountain, and the countryside has become a desolate ruin.
Thanks to your grace, I was able to sacrifice to my ancestors. I dare not forget it until I die. Why do I have other plans? Five days later, Yue sent a doctor to see the king of Wu, saying that Gou Jian, the minister of the East China Sea, would send messengers to repair your ministers and ask them to pay their respects to the king of Wu.
Now it is privately heard that the king wants to launch an army of justice, crusade against violence, support the weak and cruel Qi State and appease the royal family of the Zhou Dynasty, and demand that all the troops in the territory of Yue State be dispatched to 3,000 people. Gou Jian asked to wear armor and carry sharp weapons in person, and was willing to risk being shot in front of him.
. Therefore, the humble courtiers of the state of Yue were sent to present their ancestors' treasures, twelve pieces of armor, an axe, a bent Lu Mao and a lightsaber as gifts to your military officials. The King of Wu was very happy when he heard this, so he told Zigong what Wen Zi had said: "The King of Yue wants to follow me to attack Qi, can he?"
Zi Gong replied, "No, it's immoral to make people feel cornered, mobilize their men and horses and let their monarch go out with them." You can accept his gift, allow him to send troops, but leave his monarch to you. " The king of Wu agreed and declined to be king. So the king of Wu mobilized the troops of nine counties to attack Qi.
Extended data:
"Zaiyu is a doctor, and Tian Chang's insurrection is to reduce the family. Confucius is ashamed. " Slaughter to the son and me, with the publication. I won't listen.
Pay attention to historical records and family legends, thinking that Yan Yuan died before Kong Li, but it is based on the saying in The Analects that "carp also died, with coffins". Stealing is questionable. Although Confucius was a saint, he could not predict that Kong Li would die before himself. There is also the feeling of licking the calf. Everyone has a way. Being a father is based on the early death of his son. Although a national fool can't bear to do it, why is he a saint?
Zi Gong saved the Shandong rebellion, broke Wu Qiangjin, and broke Yue. What he said is the words of the military strategists of the six countries, which have been circulated for a long time. The additional interests of strategists in the Warring States period were adopted by Shi Gong. Later, wuyue's Chunqiu Yuejueshu perfunctory it. Wu intervened in the dispute between Qi, Yue and Huangchi recorded in Historical Records for nearly 20 years, and there is no theory of the rise and fall of Wu Huangchi in Zuo Zhuan. Shi Gong recorded it in case there are different opinions.
Although Shen is a gentleman, he seldom invents. Confucianism is the art of governing the country in the Han Dynasty, so its name is not obvious. Since then, filial piety has been emphasized, so it is incomparable with Yao Yan and Monk, and summer travelers.
Gong, a disciple of Confucius, is a stone man, fifty-three years younger than Confucius. Note that Gong Sunlong, who thinks he is strong and white but different, is not. Sun said that if he was alone with his son, he would be over 240 years old by this time, but?
If Confucius' disciples are among the seventy-two sages, if they are killed by Yu, Yu and Yu, the rest will know. If Confucius dies, all the disciples will learn from each other and play with each other. Although there is no distinction between teaching and learning, what harm does it do to a saint to let a fool know the way?
Boyi Biography only contains a few words about Qi Yi, followed by complaints. Suoyin said: Tai Shigong said that he was loyal to honest and frank, but he didn't use it for others. He died without sin, similar to Boyi, so send this and make a statement. Probably.
Yan Guan Biography records the story of Shi Yue's father, which is different from Yan Zi's Spring and Autumn Annals, and the same as Lu Lan's Romance of the Three Kingdoms. It is a legend when he built the Six Kingdoms.
Zhong Ni disciple biography _ Baidu Encyclopedia