Word: apple
Proverb: An apple a day keeps the doctor away. An apple a day keeps the doctor away. )
Word: orange
Proverb: as comfortable as a bug on a carpet. As comfortable as an orange. )
Word: banana
Rumor: bananas! (crazy! /ridiculous! )
Word: grapes
Proverbs: sour grapes. )
Word: strawberry
Proverbs: The first strawberry is always sour. )
Word: watermelon
Proverbs: This is a melon that is hard to swallow. )
Word: cherry
Proverbs: Life is just a bowl of cherries. Life is like a bowl of cherries. )
Word: lemon
Proverbs: When life gives you lemons, make lemonade. When you encounter difficulties, you should have the wisdom to resolve them. )
Word: mango
Proverbs: You can't judge a mango by its color. Mango can't judge a book by its cover. )
Word: persimmon
Rumor: apples and persimmons can't be compared. Don't compare apples with persimmons. )
The proverbs corresponding to these fruit words either express the characteristics of the fruit itself or use the symbolic meaning of the fruit, and some of them are still very interesting idioms. In any case, we can get some enlightenment from it, such as adhering to good living habits, being kind to ourselves and our loved ones, and facing difficulties actively. In a word, fruits and proverbs are very common elements in daily life, which not only enrich our language and culture, but also bring us happiness and wisdom.